Terms, Conditions & Policies


Casino Rules

  1. Preliminary
    1. These are the Rules of Aspers (Stratford City) Casino. (“casino”)
    2. Aspers Stratford Casino is owned and operated by Aspers (Stratford City) Limited (referred to as “Aspers”, “we”, “us” or “our”), a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04498928. Our registered office is at c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.
  2. The Objects of the Casino are:-
    1. To provide patrons with opportunities for lawful gaming and other social and recreational facilities including the provision of food and refreshments.
  3. Constitution
    1. The casino is owned by Aspers. All powers of Aspers in these rules may be exercised by the Directors of Aspers (Stratford City) Limited and by Aspers’ Management team (“Management”) of the casino.
    2. Aspers will provide the casino with the premises and all reasonable necessities for carrying on the business of the casino in accordance with its objects and these rules.
    3. The Aspers shall be the sole authority for interpreting the rules of the casino premises and settling any disputes relating to the affairs of the casino. The conduct of patrons and any questions arising as to the rights or powers or duties of Aspers in relation to the casino shall be solely determined by Aspers.
  4. Officers and Management
    1. Any one or more members of Management may review Aspers Rewards membership applications and suspensions.
    2. Aspers or Management may from time-to-time repeal or amend these rules as they see fit for the wellbeing of the casino and its patrons. Any rules or regulations so decided shall be binding on the patrons.
    3. Self-exclusion (SENSE and Casino Led Exclusion) may only be reviewed after 6 months has elapsed and by the General Manager, Deputy General Manager or CSM Gaming.
  5. General Rules
    1. The casino will open during the hours permitted for the time being by the Gambling Act or any amending or substitute legislation. Intoxicating liquor may only be supplied in the casino during the hours permitted by the premises licence and whilst the casino is open and prepared to receive patrons.
    2. Patrons must be at least 18 years of age or over to enter the premises and ID Scan is in operation.
    3. Any patron who appears to look under 25 will need to prove they are 18 or over by providing photographic identification.
    4. Aspers reserves the right to shut off any portion of the casino premises at any time to exclude patrons there from.
    5. Aspers will prevent access to the casino to anyone acting in a disorderly manner or anyone who in its judgement is intoxicated.
    6. Patrons are prohibited from bringing alcohol onto the premises and may be refused entry if found in possession of alcoholic beverage.
    7. Patrons whose personal attire is unacceptable to Management may be refused entry.
    8. Aspers reserves the right to request any patron who is believed to be intoxicated to leave the premises.
    9. In the interests of safety of all patrons and staff, patrons must be prepared to offer any hand luggage, bags, carriers, or the like for inspection by Aspers’ staff appointed to that duty. Aspers and Management reserve the absolute right to refuse permission to carry any articles that appointed staff consider being inappropriate for passage into the casino.
    10. All property whatsoever from time to time brought into the casino by any patron shall be at the sole risk of the person bringing such property onto the premises and neither Aspers nor any employee of Aspers shall be liable for any loss or damage to any such article, however occasioned.
    11. No games of hazard or of chance shall be played on the casino premises other than those games agreed by Aspers in the course of its business.
    12. No patron may participate in gaming on the casino premises on behalf of any person not present on the premises at the time, and no patron shall so participate or endeavour to participate unless he is present on the casino premises at the time.
    13. Aspers shall fix total monies payable in respect of any game played at the casino for which table money is chargeable and the time or sessions during which such games may be played in accordance with the provisions of these rules.
    14. No credit shall be given to enable any persons to take part in gaming or in respect of losses by any person in gaming, to which rule shall be no exception.
    15. The casino premises operates CCTV surveillance systems which incorporate video and audio recording. CCTV is used for the protection and security of Aspers’ staff, property, and customers. Aspers shall comply with the Data Protection legislation with respect to the retention of data, data processing and disclosure of personal data – please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.
    16. For the comfort of all patrons, mobile phones must not be used whilst at the gaming tables or poker tables during a hand.
    17. Cameras or any other recording devices may not be used in the casino w§thout the approval of the Management.
    18. Aspers has absolute discretion to require any patron found in possession or suspected of being in possession of any electrical, mechanical, or computerised article or device for use within the casino premises to leave the premises and where appropriate to suspend, terminate membership or not allow access to the casino.
    19. Aspers is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its staff, patrons on the premises so far as is reasonable and practicable and Aspers will comply with all relevant.
    20. Legislation and approved codes of practice. The staff and patrons have a responsibility to act in a responsible manner to ensure their own health and safety and that of others in the casino.
    21. Aspers is committed to maintaining a safe environment in which patrons may enjoy the facilities provided. The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of drugs or controlled substances is prohibited on the premises (this includes all land, property, building and parking areas) and offenders’ membership will be revoked. Aspers will also cooperate with the police in such matters.
    22. Aspers will not tolerate disruptive behaviour. Behaviour will be deemed ‘disruptive’ if casino property is intentionally damaged, threatening, abusive, indecent, or insulting words or behaviour are used towards its patrons or the casino’s employees. Aspers has an absolute discretion to suspend or terminate the membership or refuse entry. Aspers may share information about any criminal act or disorder committed in the casino by patrons with other Asper’s casinos and the relevant regulatory authorities.
    23. Aspers has a strict policy against discrimination and will not knowingly permit others to discriminate against any patron or staff member on the grounds of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. Aspers will not tolerate any conduct which may potentially constitute harassment or discrimination against any patron or staff member.
    24. Aspers may initiate and will fully support a criminal investigation following an act of violence against any of its patrons or its employees.
    25. Aspers will remove and exclude from the premises any person suspected or found to have cheated or committed another criminal act. Under these circumstances any attempt to enter the premises will render the excluded person liable to civil action and in accordance with which Aspers will seek to recover its costs of such action. Aspers will also pursue criminal prosecution against those who commit offences on its premises.
    26. Aspers reserves the right to withhold funds where there is knowledge or suspicion that those funds have been exclusively or partly obtained unlawfully, whilst full investigations are concluded. Funds will be retained in the event the investigation confirms unlawful activity has taken place.
    27. Systematic or organised money lending between patrons within the casino is strictly forbidden.
    28. Smoking is only permitted in the designated area of the casino. Any person found to be smoking on the premises, not in the designated area, may be asked to leave.
    29. A patron who self-excludes or has been excluded by us from the casino agrees that Aspers will not be liable for any matter whatsoever if they enter Aspers premises prior to the expiry of the exclusion period.
    30. Full betting rules are available at the Guest Relations desk.
  6. Protection of Customer Funds
    1. Funds are not protected in the event of the insolvency of Aspers (Stratford City) Limited.
  7. Complaints and Disputes
    1. Any complaint or dispute should be raised immediately with a member of the Management team. Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of a gaming dispute you should ask a member of the Management team for an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) leaflet which outlines the process of further complaints.
  8. Experian Identification Check
    1. An electronic identity check may be carried out at the customer’s request for an Aspers Rewards membership. Please note that this ID check does NOT leave a credit “footprint” on an applicant’s credit record. The ID check leaves an ID soft print that is only visible to the individual and not to any lenders and therefore does NOT affect an individual’s credit history or the ability to obtain credit. At no point during this search has Aspers accessed any credit or financial information on the applicant.
  9. Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Terrorist Financing (“AML/CTF”)
    1. Patrons are required to produce an acceptable identification document when gaming or transacting at certain threshold levels to ensure Aspers’ compliance with legislative and regulatory Customer Due Diligence and Enhanced Due Diligence obligations.
    2. Aspers may, as part of its ID verification processes and general Enhanced Due Diligence policies and procedures, conduct screening upon patrons with recognised third-party providers where a business relationship has been established.
    3. Aspers has a legal obligation to ensure that any funds played in its casinos are legitimate and may, as part of its regulatory and legal obligations, seek or request information relating to the source of patrons’ funds which may be used for gaming transactions. Aspers also reserves the right not to proceed with any transaction and/or to freeze any monies in its possession until such time that
      • Aspers has obtained the required information to its sole satisfaction: and
      • Aspers has completed any other processes that may be required under its policies and/or procedures or AML/CTF legislation.
    4. Aspers has a legal obligation to ensure that any funds played in our casinos are from a legitimate source. In addition to identification and occupation details, we may request further information and documentary evidence as to the source of a patron’s funds. The information will not be shared outside of Aspers Group, and records will be maintained in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
  10. Responsible Operator
    1. Aspers recognises that a small proportion of its patrons may experience problems as a result of their gambling. Aspers is committed to a policy of promoting a responsible attitude to gambling and provides free literature within its casinos for the information and benefit of all. Aspers will ensure that its management and staff are aware of this issue so that they may offer assistance wherever possible. Aspers also offers a self-exclusion programme via Self Enrolment National Self Exclusion (SENSE) with a minimum exclusion period of 6 months.
  11. Aspers Rewards Terms and Conditions
    1. Aspers Rewards terms and conditions govern participation in the Aspers Rewards program and the issue and use of the Aspers Rewards Cards. Aspers Rewards rules are displayed on the website and a copy is available on request.
  12. Exclusion of Patrons
    1. Aspers reserve the right to refuse to register patrons for membership at its sole and absolute discretion and shall not be obliged to provide patrons with any rationale for refusal.
    2. Aspers reserve the right to suspend the membership any patron(s) without notice, at any time, and without explanation. Such suspensions may also be enforced at any other casino in the Aspers Group.
    3. Aspers may, in its absolute discretion, at any time, without notice, and for any reason, indefinitely terminate the membership of any patron from the casino. Such termination of membership will also take effect in all other casinos within the Aspers Group. Any patron whose membership is terminated will forfeit any rights or privileges offered by the casino, Aspers Group, or its subsidiaries.
    4. If the membership of a patron is terminated in accordance with 12.3, Aspers reserves the right:
      • to remove the patron, and/or refuse the patron access to any Aspers Group premises:
      • to withhold from said patron the payment of stakes and/or winnings at the casino or any Aspers Group premises; and
      • not to proceed with any transaction and/or to freeze any monies in their possession until such time that they have obtained required information to its sole satisfaction, and/or that it is satisfied it has completed any other processes that may be required under applicable legislation and regulation.
  13. Privacy
    1. For further information with regards to how your personal data is processed by us, please refer to our Privacy Policy


Summary of Significant Terms


We encourage you to carefully review these Terms and Conditions, as they impact your rights and may, in certain situations, result in restrictions on your Asper Rewards membership.

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions or need clarification on any part, please speak to an Aspers colleague in venue, who will be happy to assist.

Please pay particular attention to the Terms and Conditions highlighted below. Whilst each section of these Terms and Conditions should be fully read and understood, we especially want to highlight certain sections containing terms that may have a substantial impact on your membership of Aspers Rewards.

  1. Only the following Aspers venues participate in the Aspers Rewards loyalty programme:
    • Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City, 312 The Loft, Montfichet Road Olympic Park, London E20 1ET;
    • The Casino MK, Xscape, 602 Marlborough Gate, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3XS.
  2. Only one membership per person is permissible. Members may only have one active membership account at any one time.
  3. Aspers Rewards Points will expire after a period of 365 days from the date they were earned. For example, any Reward Points earned on January 1st 2024 will expire if not redeemed before 31st December 2025.
  4. Should a member not use their Aspers Rewards card for a period of 6 months, either to earn or redeem Reward Points, all Reward Points on their account will expire, regardless of when they were earned.
  5. Aspers Rewards Points will automatically accrue every time you use your card and/or play on slot machines, electronic roulette terminals and table games including poker at any Aspers Casino. Aspers Management reserves the right, to adjust Aspers Rewards Points balances due to misuse, machine malfunction or computer error, etc.
  6. Aspers Rewards Points can be redeemed once a minimum of £1 in value has been accrued for use on slots, electronic gaming machines and food and drink. A £5 minimum is needed for FREEPLAY Chips.
  7. Aspers reserves the right to upgrade and downgrade Aspers Rewards accounts.
  8. It is the responsibility of the member to notify Aspers of any change to their details including but not limited to a change to their name, postal address, occupation, email address and contact number.
  9. We will cancel the Aspers Rewards account cards (and membership accounts) of all members who are excluded from Aspers’ casino facilities for any reason, including their own self exclusion, and all accrued benefits will be non- recoverable.
  10. Aspers reserves the right to change the terms and conditions for Aspers Rewards in line with the Gambling Commission’s License Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) “fair and open provisions”. Customers will be notified of material changes to terms and conditions before they come into effect, and this may be by a notice being displayed on casino premises. This term is without prejudice to those already entered into promotions related to Aspers Rewards.

These terms and conditions (“terms”) govern participation in the Aspers Rewards programme (“Aspers Rewards”) and the issue and use of Aspers Rewards cards. Within these terms, a “Member” means a person who has agreed to the Aspers Rewards terms and to whom an Aspers Rewards card has been issued.

  1. Information about us
    1. We are Aspers UK Holdings Limited (referred to as “Aspers”, “we”, “us” and “our” in these terms), a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 07262042 and whose address is c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.
    2. Aspers UK Holdings Ltd, together with Aspers Group Limited form the ‘Group’, which provides land-based services in casinos through various software and/or platforms. Herein referred to as “Aspers”.
  2. These terms
    1. These terms should be read in conjunction with the casino rules, available onsite and online at www.aspersrewards.co.uk. If you apply to join Aspers Rewards, you agree to these terms.
  3. Participating Venues
    1. Only the following Aspers venues participate in the Aspers Rewards loyalty programme:
      • Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City, 312 The Loft, Montfichet Road Olympic Park, London E20 1ET;
      • The Casino MK, Xscape, 602 Marlborough Gate, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3XS.
  4. How to join Aspers Rewards
    1. Aspers Rewards is free to join. To create a membership account and receive the full benefits of the programme, guests must bring valid photo identification (see 3.2 below) along to the “Guest Services” area of an Aspers participating casino and ask to sign up to Aspers Rewards.
    2. Valid photo identification means a current passport, current UK photo driving license, current EEA member state identity card, current international photo driving license or current resident permit (resident permit - please ask at “Guest Services” for details).
    3. Only one membership per person is permissible. Members may only have one active membership account at any one time.
    4. Only the Member listed on the card may participate in the Aspers Rewards programme by using the card associated with their account. Membership cannot be shared.
    5. Admission to Aspers Rewards may only be granted at Aspers’ discretion following an application for membership. An application may only be made in respect of an individual.
    6. All Aspers Rewards cards will remain the property of Aspers.
  5. Aspers Rewards Points and Tiers
    1. Customers are able to earn Reward Points on their Aspers Rewards card. These are collected and displayed on Aspers Rewards card accounts as follows:
      1. Rewards Points: These are Points that are earned by customers via their gameplay and through selected promotions; and
      2. Tier Points: These are Points that are earned by customers via their gameplay only and will result in Customer’s being awarded a status of ‘Blue’, ‘Silver’, ‘Gold’ , Platinum or ‘Black’, which entitle the Customer to various different benefits. Tier Points cannot be earned through any type of promotion.
    2. Rewards Points and Tier Points will appear separately on an Aspers Rewards Card account; however, for the avoidance of doubt only Tier Points will contribute towards Tier Benefits and Tier Levels (defined below). A customer must ask a team member at an Aspers venue to check the total Reward Points and Tier Points balances on their account at any point.
    3. Aspers Rewards Points will expire after a period of 365 days from the date they were earned. For example, any points earned on January 1st 2024 will expire if not redeemed before 31st December 2025.
    4. Should a member not use their Aspers Rewards card for a period of 6 months, either to earn or redeem Points, all Points on their account will expire, regardless of when they were earned.
    5. Aspers Rewards has five levels of membership:
      1. The entry level of membership is ‘Blue’. You can reach a higher level by using the Aspers Rewards Card and collecting Tier Points between 1 January and 31 December during any calendar year, as follows:
      2. Silver: 3,000 Tier Points required annually;
      3. Gold: 6,000 Tier Points required annually;
      4. Platinum 12,000 Tier Points and
      5. Black: 25,000 Tier Points required annually, (together, the “Tier Levels”).
    6. Each membership level entitles the Customer to additional benefits (“Tier Benefits”). These benefits are subject to separate rules, by which the respective card holders agree to be bound. These rules are available to relevant card holders online and in venue. A link to these rules can be found here: aspersrewards.co.uk. This includes further information about the Tier Benefits that apply to each membership level and how they can be redeemed.
  6. Earning Aspers Rewards Points
    1. Aspers Rewards cards can only be used in Aspers participating casinos. Members can earn Aspers Rewards Points and Tier Points on slot machines, electronic roulette terminals, table games and poker.
    2. Once you have received your Aspers Rewards card, insert the card into a slot machine, electronic roulette terminal or hand to a dealer at a gaming table to start earning Points (“Aspers Rewards Points”). It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure their card is inserted properly in the machine when playing any electronic games.
    3. Aspers Rewards Points will automatically accrue every time you use your card and/or play on slot machines, electronic roulette terminals and table games including poker at any Aspers Casino. Aspers Management reserves the right to adjust Aspers Rewards Points balances due to misuse, machine malfunction or computer error, etc.
    4. Reward Points are calculated on the basis of a customer’s actual play and/or the customer’s average bet, the length of time the customer plays and the games played. Aspers uses reasonable efforts to track a customer’s play as accurately as possible but accepts no liability for any errors however so caused. It is the Customers responsibility to ensure they have handed their Aspers Rewards card to the relevant individual in charge of the table game. The determination of the Aspers Rewards Points awarded by Aspers shall be final.
  7. Redeeming Aspers Rewards Points
    1. Aspers Rewards Points can be redeemed once a minimum of £1 in value has been accrued for use on slots, electronic gaming machines and food and drink. A £5 minimum is needed for FREEPLAY Chips.
    2. Aspers Rewards Points can be redeemed at: (i) the food and beverage outlet at any Aspers venue, if a customer wants to redeem Reward Points for food or beverages; or (ii) the cash desk of any Aspers venue for FREEPLAY XTRA or FREEPLAY Chips.
    3. FREEPLAY Chips for use on the tables are non-negotiable, must be played as a single bet and must be played until lost. FREEPLAY Chips cannot be changed for cash or chip equivalent. There is no maximum redemption amount per transaction. Free Play Chips cannot be used on even chance bets on roulette or to bet player and banker simultaneously on punto banco.
    4. FREEPLAY XTRA is used on slot machines and electronic roulette terminals or can be used for full or part payment on food and drink purchases. To redeem FREEPLAY XTRA at a slot machine or electronic roulette terminal, guests enter a six-digit pin number (day, month, year of birthday in 01 01 01 format) via the Aspers Rewards member display screen and choose the amount to redeem. Balances are only redeemable in £1 amounts. To redeem Aspers Rewards Points on food and beverage purchases, guests must hand over their Aspers Rewards card at the point of purchase and instruct the Aspers’ representative on how much they would like to redeem.
  8. Terms of participation
    1. To participate in Aspers Rewards, Members must be 18 years or over.
    2. Employees of Aspers are not eligible to join Aspers Rewards.
    3. Subject to these terms, Aspers Rewards may issue benefits to Members, to be determined and awarded at Aspers absolute discretion, on the basis of information recorded by use of the card during the Members’ visits to participating casinos operated by Aspers.
    4. Aspers may suspend or withdraw membership from any Member who, abuses the Aspers Rewards programme or in any way brings the Aspers Rewards programme into disrepute.
    5. Aspers reserves the right to upgrade and downgrade Aspers Rewards accounts.
    6. The benefits of Aspers Rewards are intended for the use of the Member registered to the card. If any Member provides their Aspers Rewards card or details to any other person for the purpose of gaining benefits and/or Aspers Rewards Points, we reserve the right to either cancel or suspend the membership account of such Member.
    7. It is the responsibility of the Member to notify Aspers of any change to their details including but not limited to a change to their name, postal address, occupation, email address and contact number.
    8. In the event of death of a Member, such Member’s Aspers Rewards membership account will be cancelled, and no benefits will be accrued.
    9. We will cancel the Aspers Rewards account cards (and membership accounts) of all Members who are excluded from Aspers’ casino facilities for any reason, including their own self exclusion, and all accrued benefits will be non- recoverable.
    10. From time to time, we may choose to sub divide tiers for certain promotions based on player attributes or behaviour. All information relating to each promotion, including the entry criteria, can be found in the relevant promotional rules for each promotion.
    11. In the event of there being outstanding monies owed to any Aspers venue, the Aspers Rewards benefits may be suspended pending payment, in full, of the outstanding debt.
    12. Aspers will not be responsible for lost or stolen Aspers Rewards cards, including any resulting misuse and the issue of a replacement card to a Member will be at Aspers’ absolute discretion.
    13. In the event of a dispute, Aspers’ decision will be final and subject to Aspers Complaints procedure. Should a Customer have any complaint or dispute about any gambling related decision or the loyalty programme, all complaints in the first instance should be submitted to the management of the appropriate Aspers venue. Further information on our Complaints procedure can be found at https://www.aspers.co.uk/complaints-and-disputes
    14. Members who cancel their Aspers Rewards membership will not be entitled to any benefits. Any Member who cancels their membership may apply to rejoin the programme at any time.
    15. Any Member may be excluded from Aspers Rewards, given reasonable cause, at Aspers’ discretion.
    16. Aspers will not be held responsible nor have any liability for third party products and services for whatsoever reason and howsoever arising.
    17. Aspers reserves the right to change the terms and conditions for Aspers Rewards in line with the Gambling Commission’s License Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) “fair and open provisions”. Customers will be notified of material changes to terms and conditions before they come into effect, and this may be by a notice being displayed on casino premises. This term is without prejudice to those already entered into promotions related to Aspers Rewards.
    18. The data of all Members is administered by the Aspers Data Protection Officer in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Full details regarding how Aspers collects and manages personal data from its customers can be reviewed in the Aspers Privacy Policy (together with details regarding how to submit a data subject access request) available at www.aspers.co.uk/terms-conditions-policies.html#privacy-policy.
    19. Aspers reserves the right to refuse an application for any reason and shall not be obliged to explain its reasons for its refusal.
    20. Governing law; both parties agree that these terms shall be governed in all respects by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and both parties each submit to exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Aspers Group Modern Slavery Act

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30th June 2023.

Our Structure, business and supply chains

Aspers UK Holdings Limited (“the Group” or Aspers”) is a leading UK casino operator, The Group’s turnover in 2022/23 was in excess of £60m. During the same financial year, the Group had approximately 700 employees and 1 million customers visited our casinos.

The Group has four operating casinos:

  • Aspers (Stratford City) Limited – This is a large 2005 Gambling Act casino operated within the Westfield Shopping centre in Stratford In East London
  • Aspers (Milton Keynes) Limited – This is a large 2005 Gambling Act casino operated at the Xscape leisure complex in Milton Keynes
  • Aspers (Newcastle) Limited – This is a converted 1968 Act casino located in The Gate leisure complex in the centre of Newcastle

The Group’s supply chain is comprised primarily of gaming suppliers and food and beverage, sourced principally from the UK and Europe. Further information about the Group can be found on our website at www.aspersgroup.co.uk

Our position

The Group is fully supportive of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is committed to the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and will not tolerate or condone the abuse of human rights within any part of its business or supply chains.

Our policies in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking

The Group is committed to business integrity, high ethical and moral standards and professionalism in all its activities. ‘Doing the right thing’ forms a central part of Aspers values. In line with these values. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, which extends to all business dealings and transactions in which it is involved, regardless of location or sector. The Group remains committed to strengthening its practices in this area, both within its own business and across its supply chains.

The Group is committed to business integrity, high ethical and moral standards and professionalism in all its activities. ‘Doing the right thing’ forms a central part of Aspers values. In line with these values. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, which extends to all business dealings and transactions in which it is involved, regardless of location or sector. The Group remains committed to strengthening its practices in this area, both within its own business and across its supply chains.

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

The Group expects high standards from all of its contractors, suppliers and other business partners, we expect our suppliers to have appropriate anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes and communicate to our key suppliers that we have zero tolerance in regard to these matters. The Group expects that its suppliers will hold their own suppliers accountable to the same high standards for example, as part of its ongoing effort to identify and mitigate risk Aspers has updated the standard procurement contract terms used by its UK businesses to seek to ensure suppliers and, in turn, their suppliers, will comply with all laws, regulations and codes relating to slavery and human trafficking.

The Group is committed to:

  • Acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships.
  • Ensuring effective systems and controls are in place to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in its own business or in any of its supply chains.
  • Continue to ensure there is transparency in its own business and in its approach to tackling modern slavery throughout its supply chains.
  • Committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for its employees, customers and the community.

Due diligence, specific risks and supplier adherence to Aspers’ values
In 2016 Aspers established a Modern slavery working group which is now a part of the Group Compliance and Risk Committee. The working group undertakes an internal risk assessment exercise on an annual basis with each division and with the central procurement function to evaluate the Group’s risks and identify best practices, around the prevention of slavery and human trafficking with its supply chains or any part of its business.

Information and training about slavery and human trafficking

To ensure an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant employees who are involved in procurement and supplier management processes. All members or our senior management team have been briefed on the subject.

The Group have a comprehensive suite of employee policies which are relevant to our attempts to ensure that there is no modern slavery in any part of our workforce. Our relevant policies include:

  • Recruitment Policy
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Dignity at Work Policy
  • Communication Policy
  • Confidential Hotline Policy
  • Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Board-level sign-off of this statement

The Group recognises the importance of the provision of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Directors aim to ensure that slavery and human trafficking have no part in the Group’s operations and supply chain. The Group has always been vigilant about employee welfare and aims to be transparent in its practices. The Board welcomes the opportunity to state its firm commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking.


Richard Noble

Richard Noble, CEO

Aspers Casinos - Privacy Policy

At Aspers UK Holdings Ltd, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information regarding how your personal data will be used by us. This policy explains the basis on which personal data we collect about you will be processed by us. Where we decide the purpose, or means, for which personal data is processed, we are the 'Data Controller'. We will comply with all applicable data protection laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”).

By engaging with our casinos, you acknowledge you have read and understood this Privacy Policy.

This policy explains the following:

  • What personal information we collect;
  • How we use that information;
  • Who we may disclose that information to; and
  • Your rights.
  1. Who are we?
    1. Aspers UK Holdings Limited (“Aspers”), referred to as “we”, “us” and “our” in this Privacy Policy, is the data controller in relation to the processing of your personal data that you provide to us. Aspers is a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 07262042 and whose address is c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.
    2. Aspers UK Holdings Ltd, together with Aspers Group Limited form the ‘Group’, which provides both land-based services in casinos and online services through various software and/or platforms.
    3. If you have any concerns about how your personal data is used or to exercise any of your data protection rights, including submitting a subject access request, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:
      1. email: dataprotection@aspers.co.uk
      2. post: Data Protection Officer, Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City, 312 The Loft, Montfichet Road Olympic Park, London, E20 1ET.
  2. This Privacy Policy
    1. This Privacy Policy represents our current data collection and usage practices. We will from time to time, review and revise these practices. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information regarding how your personal data will be used by us.
    2. Each time you use Asper’s casino services and gaming products or provide us with information, by doing so you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy at that time.
  3. What is personal data?
    1. Personal data is information about you that identifies you or can be used to identify you (in conjunction with any other information we hold about you) e.g. your name, email address, address or telephone number, IP Address, copies of ID, proof of address, etc (“personal data”).
    2. There are special categories of more sensitive personal data which require a higher level of protection. These include information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic and biometric data, physical or mental health or condition or sexual life (“Special Category Data”).
    3. We collect the types of personal data outlined within this policy.
  4. Collecting information about you

    We collect information about you whenever you utilise certain services, such as the Aspers Loyalty program. Information will also be collected as you interact with us, such as requesting to join our mailing lists, taking part in market research or customer satisfaction surveys or dealing with our customer services team.

    To ensure that your details are up to date and to help determine any possible affordability checks, we may supplement the information we hold about you with data from companies that collate and update address and household information for a range of sources. We will only work with companies that obtain this data in compliance with data protection legislation. This data will not be used to market to you without your prior consent.

    We must also comply with legal obligations to promote responsible gambling, consider our customers' financial ability to gamble and prevent our services from being used for illegal purposes. If we identify activity on your account that could present a risk or we believe you have provided false information, we may look at publicly available information about you such as social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) property ownership details, the electoral roll, Companies House, and insolvency registers to verify the information provided to us.

    1. In addition, we are required to comply with anti-money laundering and responsible gambling legislation, so we may request proof of identity and source of funds information from you from time to time. Whilst the release of additional source of funds information is voluntary, please note that the failure to provide such information upon request may result in the termination of the business relationship. This information may be requested:
      1. by attending or registering with us at one of our casino sites.
      2. by engaging with us via our website.
      3. which may include your contact information and identity and verification information (see further information below at paragraph 9.2.1); or
      4. by contacting us offline, for example by telephone, email or by post.
  5. Data we collect from you
    1. In order to run our business and to provide you with information about products or services that may be of interest to you, We may collect personal data such as your full name, postal address, phone number, occupation, credit/debit card information or email address) or “demographic information” (i.e. information that you give us or that we collect, that is not personal data; this may include but is not limited to post code, home town, gender, username, age/birth date, browsing history information, your IP address and registration history.
    2. If you join Aspers Rewards, our loyalty program, we will also record your facial image and verify you are who you say you are by requesting some form of ID. This ID information will also be recorded. When you join Aspers Rewards you will be given an Aspers Rewards card, this can then be used at the gaming tables or in most of our electronic products and for food and beverage purchases. A full set of terms and condition for Aspers Rewards can be found on our websites.
    3. Each time you use the Aspers Rewards card we will record details of your visit to our casino, and we will also record any transaction you perform on the gambling equipment. When you use your card at the gaming tables the same will apply- we will record the details of your gambling activity.
    4. If you are not a member of Aspers Rewards, we will require ID to be produced on entry to our casino. Please note that in some of our casinos we may at times use ID document scanning software (ID Scan) to carry out electronic checks and verification in respect of ID collected from all customers.
  6. Purpose and legal basis for processing
    Personal data We may use your information for the following purposes, based on the following legal grounds:
    • Contact information
    • Aspers Rewards Card/gambling transaction information
    • If it is necessary for the performance of our contract or for the purposes of entering into a contract: for the purpose of registering your account with us, to update your account and to provide you with our services.
    • If it is in our legitimate business interests to do so: for internal record keeping for administration purposes, in order to verify your account, to conduct credit searches, to communicate with you regarding our service and fees and for dealing with any complaints or issues raised by you.
    • If you provide your consent, we may also contact you for marketing purposes about new services, events or promotions which we feel may be of interest to you by mail, e-mail, phone or text messaging service about our services or promotions, which may be of interest to you, Please email dataprotection@aspers.co.uk or speak to a member of staff if you no longer wish to receive such information.
    • Compliance with a legal obligation: in order to prevent fraud or money laundering or to comply with any other relevant legal or regulatory requirements, such as the Casino Industry Gambling Regulations as specified by our Regulators, The Gambling Commission, The Information Commissioners Office, Money Laundering Regulations & the Financial Conduct Authority. We are obliged to comply with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and may share your data on request (or voluntarily) with the UK legal and government authorities, UK regulators and the UK Police.
    • Where we have obtained your consent: Our selected third parties with whom we may share your personal data with (see further below) may send you advertisements promotional materials and communications about their products or services which may be of interest to you, with your prior consent where required by law.
    • Payment information
    • If it is necessary for the performance of our contract: for the purpose of receiving payments in the course of providing our services and issuing winnings to your account (if issued by bank transfer).
    • If it is in our legitimate business interests to do so: for internal record keeping for administration purposes and retaining evidence of payment transactions.
    • ID Information
    • Special category data
    • In order to protect the vital interests of our customers: we may process special category data relating to your health or mental health such as a disclosure of a gambling problem to staff.
    • Monitoring information (CCTV)
    • If it is in our legitimate business interests to do so: we may process images via CCTV (which incorporates video and audio recordings), entrance/exit dates/times, movement within the casinos via security card systems for security purposes and pursuant to our legitimate interest in maintaining a safe environment and for the purpose of confirming attendance/location of the individual.
    • Necessary to protect the vital interests of the individual concerned: for security purposes and in order to maintain a safe environment.
    • Compliance with a legal obligation: in order to prevent fraud or money laundering or to comply with any other legal or regulatory requirements.
    • Technical and device information/social networks
    • If it is in our legitimate interests to do so: we may use certain technical log data (such as your IP address) for research or statistical purposes; to analyse user traffic and for ensuring the proper administration of our site; for analytics and insight purposes e.g. to monitor market trends and demographics and to improve the user experience within our site; and to ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or other device from which you access our site and/or the services we offer through the site.
    • Cookies
    • Where consent has been obtained: We will ask for your consent to the use of cookies before processing (see further information about our processing of cookies below).
  7. How to edit or update your information
    1. The accuracy and integrity of your personal data is very important to us. If you feel at any time that the information, we hold about you is incorrect or requires updating then please contact us by any means possible and we will update or correct our records.
    2. We may periodically contact you or speak to you in person about the accuracy of your personal data as our efforts to ensure it is accurate are ongoing.
  8. Cookies
    1. Cookies are small text files, like a tag, that are placed on your device (e.g., a computer, smartphone or table) when you visit a website. Cookies make web surfing easier by allowing websites recognise that user’s device and store some information about the user’s preferences or past actions. The only personal data a cookie may contain is information supplied by the user. A cookie cannot read data of a user’s hard drive or read cookie files created by other websites. The use of cookies is an industry standard that can be found on most major websites. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as provide information to the site owners. Software on the user's device (for example a web browser) can store cookies and send them back to the website next time they visit.
    2. We use cookies to collect information about your visit to our websites, including the date and time you access our websites. You cannot be directly identified from this information and will be used by us purely for monitoring activity on our websites.
    3. Many improvements and updates to our websites are based on such data as this helps us to understand (amongst other things) the total number of users and webpages viewed. Cookies allow this information to be easily tracked by us. We use information obtained from cookies to provide services better tailored to user’s needs. While this activity depends on the use of “cookies”, users of our websites have the option of disabling cookies via user’s browser preferences. Further information on how to do this can be found in the ‘Control over cookies’ section.
    4. Where marketing consent is given, we may use “cookies” to collect and distribute information to third parties for marketing purposes. Further information on the use of marketing cookies can be found in section 8.8 and 8.10.
    5. Any changes to the use of cookies posted on our websites apply as soon as they are posted. Fresh consent to the use of cookies will be required when changes are made.
    6. We use the following cookies:

    7. Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of our websites. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our websites or remember your choice about cookies.
    8. Analytical/performance cookies: They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our websites when they are using them. This helps us to improve the way our websites work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
    9. Marketing/advertising cookies: They allow us to recognise visits that have originated from online ads. This helps us to deliver personalised ads, limit how many times you see an ad and measure the effectiveness of ads.
    10. You can find more information about the first-party cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:
      Provider Cookie IDs Description Further Information
      Aspers Group Limited Cookies cookie-preference Strictly necessary cookies
      Used to remember a user’s choice about cookie preference. Where users have previously indicated a preference, that user’s preference will be stored in this cookie. This information is processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone.
      Aspers Group Limited Cookies PHPSESSID Strictly necessary cookies
      Used to identify the current session/visit to provide functions across pages. This information is processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone.
      Google Analytics Cookies _ga, _ga_<wpid>, _gid, _gat[_<customname>], _gcl_au Analytical/performance cookies
      Google Analytics is used to collect information about how visitors use our website. We collect information including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited. The information is collected and processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone.
      Click here for more privacy information

      Click here for more information on Google cookies and how they are used
    11. Third parties

    12. Please note that third parties may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or marketing/advertising cookies based on your cookie preference.
    13. You can find more information about the third-party cookies used and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:
      Provider Description Further Information
      Google Ads/AdSense Cookies
      (Adservice.google.com/.co.uk, doubleclick.net, google.com) Cookies
      Analytical/performance cookies
      Google Ads/AdSense is used to store and track conversions (clicks) from advertisements placed on third party websites. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. Users may be uniquely identified by web request, IP address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request. This log data is anonymized by removing part of the IP address (after 9 months) and cookie information (after 18 months).

      Marketing/advertising cookies
      Google Ads/AdSense uses cookies for advertising, including serving and rendering ads, personalizing ads (depending on user's ad settings at g.co/adsettings), limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads user's have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to make advertising more effective by delivering relevant and targeted ads. Users may be uniquely identified by web request, IP address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request. This log data is anonymized by removing part of the IP address (after 9 months) and cookie information (after 18 months).
      Click here for more privacy information

      Click here for more information on Google cookies and how they are used
      Facebook (Meta) Cookies Analytical/performance cookies
      Facebook (Meta) cookies are used to store and measure activity on our websites that originate from clicks on advertisements and posts placed on Facebook. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular ad or post. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. The information is collected and processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone.
      Click here for further information on how Facebook (Meta) uses cookies

      Click here for further information on how you can control the use of cookies on Facebook (Meta)
      The Trade Desk
      Marketing/advertising cookies
      The Trade Desk uses cookies for advertising, including serving and rendering targeted ads, personalizing ads, limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads users have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with regards to a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to make advertising more effective by delivering relevant and targeted ads. Users may be identified by browser and device using a unique randomly generated ID. This is matched against information, such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device. This information is neither sold or shared with other third parties.
      Click here for further information on how you can control the use of cookies by The Trade Desk
    14. Control over cookies

    15. You can change your cookies preferences at any time by clicking on the ‘Cookie’ icon in the footer of our websites. You may need to refresh your browser for changes to changes to take effect.
    16. You can change the settings on your browser to prevent cookies being stored on your computer or mobile device without your explicit consent. Your browser “help” section will normally provide details on how to manage the cookie settings.
    17. You can also delete cookies that have already been set. Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers at the links below:
      Alternatively, you may wish to visit http://www.aboutcookies.org.uk/, which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of desktop browsers.
    18. If you have a Google account, you can opt out of advertising at g.co/adsettings. Further information on how personalised ads work can be found here. Alternatively, you can opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising initiative opt out page. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
  9. Who your information may be shared with

    We keep your information confidential but may disclose it to our personnel, other companies within the Aspers Group, suppliers, or subcontractors insofar as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We carry out checks to ensure that the companies we work with will provide the same level of safeguards to protect your data as we do, and we put contractual measures in place to reinforce those obligations.

    If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, you will be notified via email, account message and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices you may have regarding this information.

    1. We do not sell or share your personal data with third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy. The personal data will be disclosed to a third party only to the extent required for the specific purpose, as stipulated in this Privacy Policy.
    2. Please note that personal data we are holding about you may be shared with and processed by:
      1. any member of the Group and any subsidiary companies and other affiliated legal entities and businesses with whom we are under common corporate control for management and administration purposes. All such entities will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy with respect to the use and disclosure of your Personal Data.
        1. to ensure that we are able to properly monitor and protect the wellbeing of our customers in accordance with our Responsible Gaming initiative (please contact us if you would like further information regarding this);
      2. other casinos in respect of data sharing schemes relating to barred customers;
      3. our service providers and agents (including their subcontractors) or third parties which process information on our behalf (e.g. internet service and payment providers, search engine, advertising and marketing providers) so that they may help us to provide you with services and information you have requested;
      4. regulators, fraud prevention agencies or other third parties for the purposes of monitoring and/or enforcing our compliance with any legal and regulatory obligations, including statutory or regulatory reporting, or the detection or prevention of unlawful acts.
      5. any third party in the context of actual or threatened legal proceedings, provided we can do so lawfully (for example in response to a court order).
      6. other parties and/or their professional advisers involved in a matter where required as part of the conduct of the services.
      7. our own professional advisers and auditors for the purpose of seeking professional advice or to meet our audit responsibilities; andd
      8. any other organisation to whom we may transfer our agreement with you or if we sell or buy (or negotiate to sell or buy) our business or any of our assets (provided that adequate protections and safeguards are in place).
      9. IT companies who support our IT systems.
      10. Data insight companies.
    3. We will only transfer your personal data to third parties for direct marketing purposes with your prior consent.
    4. We do not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, they should contact us at dataprotection@aspers.co.uk. We will delete such information from our files at the earliest opportunity.
  10. International transfers
    1. We will not transfer personal data relating to you to a third party in any country which is outside the UK or the European Economic Area (“EEA”) unless one of the following scenarios under the UK GDPR applies:
      1. the country or recipient is covered by an adequacy decision of the European Commission under UK GDPR Article 45.
      2. appropriate safeguards have been put in place which meet the requirements of UK GDPR Article 46 (for example using the European Commission’s Standard Model Clauses); or
      3. one of the derogations for specific situations under UK GDPR Article 49 is applicable to the transfer. These include (in summary):
        1. the transfer is necessary to perform, or to form, a contract to which we are a party.
        2. with you; or
        3. with a third party where the contract is in your interests;
        4. the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
        5. you have provided your explicit consent to the transfer; or
        6. the transfer is of a limited nature, and is necessary for the purpose of our compelling legitimate interests.
  11. Our Security Precautions
    1. We make every effort to ensure that your information is secure on our systems. The Group has implemented security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of your personal data and we have staff dedicated to maintaining this Privacy Policy and other privacy initiatives, periodically reviewing our systems and network security.
    2. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access. However, please note that you are responsible for keeping your username, password and user details confidential.
  12. How long do we keep your personal data?
    1. Unless you have requested otherwise, we will hold your personal data within our systems for a minimum period of 5 years following the provision of information to us. If, after 5 years:
      1. you have made 1 or more visits to any of our casinos, then we will contact you to verify that the information we hold about you is still accurate and that you are still happy for us to hold this information about you; or
      2. you have not made a registered visit to any of our casinos then we will remove your personal data from our databases and systems unless we are required or permitted by law to hold on to your data for a specific retention period. Please note that the retention period for inactive customers is 7 years.
      3. In certain circumstances we will retain your data for longer than 7 years.
    2. For the purpose of paragraph 12.1.2, a ‘registered’ visit is classified as a visit which has been recorded on our internal systems. Examples include via a customer’s use of the Aspers Rewards card, other recorded transactional activity or via redemption of a promotion (on-site).
    3. Where we no longer need your personal information, we will dispose of it in a secure manner.
    4. In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data; see your legal rights at paragraph 14 below for further information.
    5. In some circumstances we will anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research purposes and to help us develop and improve our services, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.
  13. Automated decision making
    We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing, including profiling.
  14. Your rights regarding your personal data
    1. Under data protection laws, you have a number of rights regarding your personal data. Please find below a summary of such rights (full details may be found at the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (“ICO”) website: https://ico.org.uk/),
    2. You have the right to be informed

    3. You must be informed clearly and concisely regarding the purpose and legal basis regarding the collection and processing of your personal data, who to contact if you have any issues regarding this, where your persona data will be kept, if the personal data is to be transferred to another country, who will access the personal data, the retention period for storing your personal data, the right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data or to lodge a complaint with the ICO, whether the provision of the personal data is part of a statutory or contractual requirement and the existence of any automated decision making.
    4. You have the right to access

    5. You have the right to request confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to verify the lawfulness of processing, this information must be provided free of charge and provided within one calendar month (unless certain circumstances apply).
    6. Requests should be made in writing to the Aspers Data Protection Officer, and you may need to provide the following in order for us to verify your request:
      1. photo ID; and
      2. proof of address.
    7. You have the right to rectification

    8. If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, then you have the right to request that this be corrected. If we have disclosed the personal data to third parties for verification purposes and the information has been updated or corrected, then we will inform you of this where possible.
    9. You have the right to erasure

    10. In certain circumstances, you will have to right to request erasure of your personal data from our systems and we will do so without undue delay if:
      1. the processing is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was originally processed.
      2. you withdraw consent (if the legal basis for processing is based on your consent).
      3. you object to processing (and there are no legitimate overriding grounds for ongoing processing).
      4. your personal data has been processed unlawfully; or
      5. your personal data must be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation.
    11. We may refuse a request for erasure if the processing is necessary:
      1. for compliance with a legal obligation;
      2. for reasons of public interest in the area of public health or for archiving purposes in relation to public interest, scientific/historic or statistical research purposes (as permitted under the UK GDPR); or
      3. for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
    12. A decision to refuse any request of Erasure will be made by the Board of Directors under advisement from the designated Data Protection Officer. Data Subjects have the right to appeal any decision made to the ICO.
    13. You have the right to restrict processing

    14. You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data if you contest the accuracy of the information, if the processing is unlawful or if we no longer need the information but you require the data to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.
    15. You have the right to data portability

    16. In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we return any personal data you have provided in a structured and machine-readable format or that we transmit this data to another data controller, where technically feasible.
    17. You have the right to object

    18. You have the right to object to our use of your personal data in certain circumstances, including where we use it for our legitimate interests or for marketing purposes.
    19. If the information is being used for direct marketing

    20. If you have subscribed to marketing communications from us, you have the right, at any time, to instruct us by email not to process your personal data for marketing purposes.
    21. Withdrawal of consent

    22. Please note that if you withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information for purposes set out in our Privacy Policy, we may not be able to provide you with access to all or certain parts of our services or our website.
    23. Complaints

    24. If you consider our use of your personal data to be unlawful, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO. Please see further information on their website: www.ico.org.uk.
  15. Contacting Aspers Casino
    1. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, would like to submit a Data Subject Access Request or amend your current preferences/personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer via email at dataprotection@aspers.co.uk or in writing to:
      Data Protection Officer
      Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City
      312 The Loft
      Montfichet Road Olympic Park
      E20 1ET
    2. Alternatively, enquires can be made in person at any of our Aspers Casinos. Please note that in all circumstances ID verification will be required before any personal data is released.
  16. Updates or amendments to this Privacy Policy
    1. We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example to keep it up to date, to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements or to comply with legal requirements.
    2. This Privacy Policy was last updated in February 2024.

Site Links

The materials that can be linked from linked sites are not maintained by us and we are not responsible for the contents thereof. Any reference to a linked site or any specific third-party product or service by name does not imply or constitute its endorsement by us, and you assume all risk with respect to its use. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies, and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any information or personal data to these websites.

Copyright Notice

The copyright in the contents and materials of this website is owned by the Group. As content on the website is copyrighted, any unauthorised use of any materials on the website may violate our rights pertaining to such material. If a user downloads the materials on the web site for personal or non-commercial use, the user must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices.


The materials contained in this web site are for general information only and do not constitute advice on any matter. We accept no responsibility for any loss caused by reliance on any statement contained in this web site. Links to other sites from these pages are for information only and we accept no responsibility for any material contained within those sites.

Due to the nature of the electronic communication process, we cannot, nor do we, guarantee or warrant, that access to our website (or any part of it) will be uninterrupted, or without delay and we accept no liability in this respect. Furthermore, whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from this website, we cannot ensure that it will be free of viruses and we cannot and do not accept any liability in this respect. You are therefore recommended to take all appropriate safeguards before downloading or accessing information from this website.

This disclaimer and any claim based on use of information from this website shall be governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

Use of site: Users must be over 18 years old and comply with English law.

This site contains information, content, features, products and services which are suitable only for persons over 18. Therefore this website, and any part of it, is only available to those who are over 18 years of age. This site operates in accordance with and complies with all elements of English law, including data protection. By continuing to the next page or visiting, using, viewing the whole or any part of it or having any involvement whatsoever with this website you are confirming that you are over 18 and will not misuse the website in any way and continue to use this site in accordance with and compliance with all elements of English law. If you are under 18 years of age or do not agree to be bound or abide by this notice then you are not authorised to or visit, use, view the whole or any part of it or have any involvement whatsoever with this website and must leave the website immediately. We reserve the right to take action against those who do not.

Use of Public Wi-Fi

We use Wi-Fi connection data for security, compliance and to improve the customer experience in our casinos. We are collecting the location of devices on our network, identifying them by a pseudonymised version of their MAC (Media Access Control) address.

We will not collect data on browsing activity, cookies, phone numbers or how the Wi-Fi service is used.

You can opt-out by turning off Wi-Fi on your device, turning your device off or putting your device into airplane mode while at our casinos.

All data collected is automatically depersonalised, using a one-way pseudonymisation process to ensure Aspers is unable to identify any individual. This happens immediately after the data is first collected.

Pseudonymisation is the process of distinguishing individuals in a dataset by using a unique identifier that does not reveal their 'real world' identity. This is a way of protecting people's privacy in accordance with the Information Commissioner's Anonymisation Code of Practice

What Wi-Fi connection data is

When a device such as a smartphone or tablet has Wi-Fi enabled, the device will continually search for a Wi-Fi network to connect to. We will record the identifying number specific to that device known as a MAC address.

Complaints and Disputes


  • 1.1. Aspers Group fully supports the objective detailed in the Gambling Act 2005 and are committed to best practice on gaming and social responsibility and will ensure gambling is conducted fairly and openly in accordance with company procedures.
  • 1.2 Aspers Group has put into effect policies and procedures designed to ensure the supervision at gaming tables is carried out by supervisors and dealers in order to ensure the integrity of gaming is not compromised.
  • 1.3 A complaint means a complaint about any aspect of the company and staff conduct in respect of the licensed activities, and a dispute is any complaint which -
    • a. Is not resolved at the first stage of the complaints procedure.
    • b. Relates to the outcome of the complainant’s gambling transaction.
  • 1.4 A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues, such as the service in the restaurant, the quality of the décor or facilities or the availability of space at a particular
  • gaming table do not apply, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
  • 1.5 Should a customer have any complaint or dispute about any gambling related decision, this should be raised immediately with a member of the Aspers management team who should be able to settle this at the time. If it is not settled the customer will be given a gaming dispute leaflet and is free to raise any such complaint or dispute at any time within a date which is not less than 6 months from the date of the disputed incident. The request will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt where gambling facilities are available 24 hours a day or within three working days otherwise.
  • 1.6 The licensee’s process ends if the customers complaint remains unresolved eight weeks after the licence holder received it, or the customer and the licence holder reach a deadlock or final position in less than eight weeks. The licence holder will then write to the customer with a final letter to explain:
    • a. The final decision.
    • b. That this is the end of the operator’s complaints process.
    • c. How to escalate the complaint to an independent ADR entity if the customer wishes to do so. Therefore, should a customer not be satisfied with the decision, and all internal avenues of dispute resolution have been exhausted, they may refer the matter to IBAS.
  • 1.7 IBAS is tasked with reviewing any disputes relating to the land-based casino that cannot be settled internally. Thus, if the customer remains dissatisfied with the decision regarding their gambling dispute, they may refer the matter in writing or by email to time up to 12 months from the end of the operator’s complaints’ process. The application will be acknowledged within three working days of receipt
  • 1.8 We recommend visiting the IBAS website: www.ibas-uk.com

    In order to make a claim through the IBAS website, you will need to register with the service. You will need a valid, working email address in order to register. Registration is quick, easy and free of charge.

    You will then need to complete an IBAS Claim Form by clicking on ‘Make a Claim’.

    If you have any difficulty using the website, you are welcome to complete a claim form by hand. We can post you a form, which we will ask you to complete and return.

    To request a form, either telephone us on 020 7347 5883 or write to us at: IBAS, PO BOX 62639. London EC3P 3AS
  • 1.9 How long does IBAS process take?

    Once IBAS has received your completed claim form, they will contact the casino to seek their response.

    One of their Case Managers will then send any further questions to either you or the casino until they are satisfied that they have all of the information they need to make an informed decision.

    After that, the file containing all of that information is sent to members of IBAS Adjudication Panel. The panellists may have further questions or they may be satisfied that they have enough material to issue an adjudication.

    Once they have reached their decision, their findings are typed up and either emailed or posted to both you and the casino simultaneously.

    Typically, the whole process will take between 10 and 12 weeks but some cases are resolved faster and other, more complicated cases, may take longer.


  • 2.1 Any gaming complaint should be resolved by the Dealer and/or Gaming Supervisor at the time of the incident, however if the Dealer or Gaming Supervisor is not able to settle the matter it will be referred to the Duty Manager and Surveillance.
  • 2.2 If you are not satisfied with the resolution of the dispute you will be given a gaming dispute leaflet and invited to put your concern in writing to the General Manager, Aspers Casino Stratford, Westfield Stratford City, 312 Montfichet Rd, London, E20 1ET Email: St.gamingdisputes@aspers.co.uk
  • 2.3 In response to your enquiry the General Manager will respond to you by email or write to you after investigating the dispute, explaining the decision.
  • 2.4 If you are not content with the decision you may write to the Head of Compliance, Aspers Casino Stratford, Westfield Stratford City, 312 Montfichet Rd, London, E20 1ET or via email complaintsesc@aspers.co.uk who will independently investigate the matter.
  • 2.5 If you are not satisfied with their findings you may escalate the matter further by having it referred to an Alternative Dispute Resolution entity (ADR) which is IBAS


  • 3.1 The ADR controller will assign an ADR official to investigate the complaint and notify all parties concerned.
  • 3.2 The ADR official will request all relevant evidence and documentation from all concerned parties and inform all parties of their right to withdraw at any time from the process. Both parties have a right to see the arguments, evidence, documents and facts put forward by the other party.
  • 3.3 The ADR official upon receipt of the evidence will notify the parties that the evidence received constitutes a ‘complete complaint file’. An outcome (proposed decision/resolution) to the dispute will be issued within 90 calendar days from the date the “complete complaint file” has been received (in “certain exceptional cases” in “highly complex disputes” the ADR official is free, at his/ her own discretion, to extend the 90 calendar day deadline). During the course of the investigation the complainant will be kept in touch with progress at least every 30 days.
  • 3.4 The ADR official will normally provide a draft report allowing reasonable time for comment from all parties. This may include any statements made and opinions given by experts.
  • 3.5 The ADR official will consider any comments prior to completing the report.
  • 3.6 The ADR official will provide a final report to the ADR controller outlining the outcomes and grounds on which the proposed decision/resolution is based.
  • 3.7 When the ADR controller is satisfied that the process has been adhered to and the decision/resolution in the report is valid, the controller will forward the report to all parties concerned.
  • 3.8 In accordance with the Gambling Commission’s expectation, gambling operators will offer ADR which is binding on the operator (if accepted by the consumer) for disputes which would otherwise be taken to the small claims court (currently disputes of not more than £10,000). For disputes over £10,000, the ADR procedure need not be binding – this would allow, for example, that mediation could be employed for disputes of more than £10,000 or for adjudication decisions to be non-binding on the operator.
  • 3.9 In accordance with consumer protection requirements, the customer is not legally bound to abide by any IBAS decision and therefore this process does not deny the consumer his or her UK statutory consumer protections.
  • by any IPCA decision and therefore this process does not deny the consumer his or her UK statutory consumer protections.


  • 4.1 An ADR Entity can refuse to deal with a dispute but the ADR Entity must provide both parties with a reason for declining the dispute within 3 weeks of receiving the complete complaint file.
  • 4.2 The reasons a dispute can be refused† are if:
    • a. The consumer has not attempted to contact the gambling operator and resolve the matter directly with them, prior to submitting their complaint to the ADR entity;
    • b. The dispute is frivolous or vexatious.
    • c. The dispute is being, or has been previously, considered by another ADR entity or by a court.
    • d. The value of the claim falls below or above the monetary thresholds set by the body; however, IBAS does not set monetary thresholds.
    • e. The consumer has not submitted the complaint to the body within the time period specified by the body, provided that such time period is not less than 12 months from the date upon which the trader has given notice to the consumer that the trader is unable to resolve the complaint with the consumer.
    • f. Dealing with such a type of dispute would seriously impair the effective operation of the body.

Gender Pay Gap Report


Aspers (Stratford City) Limited (Aspers Stratford) is part of Aspers UK Holding Limited (AUKH) and operates a Casino at Westfield Stratford City.

Aspers Stratford employs just under 350 people and is reporting on the gender pay gap as AUKH’s only site that falls under the reporting requirements of the Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations.

As part of AUKH, we are proud to be a socially responsible employer and are committed to equality of opportunity for all our employees, providing a safe and comfortable working environment.

This report provides information on the gender pay gaps at Aspers Stratford, looking at the causes for gaps and strategies that are used to narrow gaps.

Our basic data:

  • The ratio of male/female employees: 60/40
  • Total number of employees: 328

(Note: Tronc payments are excluded as they are outside the company’s control.)

How we measure the pay gap

As an employer, we are looking at the gender pay gap and various aspects of the gap in keeping with the reporting requirements. We analyse the differences in the average pay between males and females, and the gender breakdown in the different roles employed by Aspers Stratford. The figures set out within the report have been calculated using the methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

In line with legal requirements, please see the following Gender Pay Gap analysis for Aspers Stratford:

  • The difference between the MEAN hourly rate of pay of male full‐pay employees and that of female full‐pay employees is (7.2%)
  • The difference between the MEDIAN hourly rate of pay of male full‐pay employees and that of female full‐pay employees is (6.35%).

The mean gender pay gap for full‐pay employees for the whole economy according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) figures) is 7.7%, while the median gender pay gap for full‐pay employees for the whole economy is 10.7%.

  • The proportions of male and female full‐pay employees in the lower, lower middle, upper middle, and upper quartile pay bands.
Male Female
Lower Quartile 45% 55%
Lower Middle Quartile 63% 37%
Upper Middle Quartile 65% 35%
Upper Quartile 68% 32%

We employ individuals in various roles; we have licensed gaming employees with a Personal Functional Licence, hospitality and valet employees, security employees, support roles, and management. We do identify a significant number of female employees in the low‐skilled, lesser paid roles versus the specialised gaming roles that have the higher salary bands. Whilst this is reflective of the qualified applicants applying for the specialised gaming roles, we are committed to providing blended learning and development opportunities.


I confirm that the information and the data provided in this report are accurate as of 5 April 2023, which is the ‘snapshot’ date.


Richard Noble

Date of publication: 03/04/2024

Self Service Sports Betting Terminal Rules

These Rules detail the terms under which Betting Terminal bets are accepted at Aspers (Stratford City) Limited. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with these Rules as we cannot guarantee that our staff will draw them to your attention. By making abet, you accept these Rules apply to the particular sport or event on which you are placing your bet (including any applicable daily payout limits).

You must exercise your own judgment in choosing to place a bet. You acknowledge that, in placing your bet you are not relying on any statement of any employee of Aspers relating to the subject matter of a Bet.

Bets can only be placed on the outcome of a future event. If Aspers mistakenly accept a bet for an event that has already occurred or if there is a clear indication of the likely outcome, then the bet will be void and your stake returned.

The customer must be 18 years or older.

Changes to the odds do not have any bearing upon bets that have already been placed and confirmed.


    The maximum payout on any bet or bets involving one or more of the same selections are shown below. These maximum payout amounts will apply even if, by taking a price, the level of potential winnings exceeds these amounts.

    Where selections are taken from different categories listed below and are combined in multiple or accumulative bets, the lowest maximum payout limit will apply.

    Where a range of accumulators or other multiple bets are placed including a common selections) the maximum payout will apply to all those bets including that selection, even if the bets are placed over a number of days.

    Any group of customers who have placed the same combination of selections and we believe have been acting as a syndicate will be treated as one customer for the purpose of the limits below.

    • Minimum/Maximum Stakes, Payout Limits
    • Minimum stake per bet/betting slip: £0.50
    • Maximum stake per bet: £200
    • Maximum stake per betting slip: £300
    • The maximum amount that can be won with any ticket is £15,000
    • Maximum winnings per customer/per 24 hours*: £50,000
    • *24 hours is based on Aspers Gaming Day 9am to 9am


    1. Bets are placed with Aspers (Stratford City) Limited via the Betting Terminals.
    2. No bet is accepted until we have provided you with a valid receipt that the bet has been accepted by us. Aspers (Stratford City) Limited reserve the right to refuse to accept the whole, or any part of any bet.
    3. It is the responsibility of the customer to check the receipt carefully as mistakes cannot be rectified after the event.
    4. It is your responsibility to ensure you check your receipt to verify that the amount you have paid and your bet details have been correctly recorded. Bets can only be cancelled or changed by mutual consent. You must retain your receipt until all bets on your slip can be fully settled, when any returns due will be paid upon the surrender of your receipt.
    5. In the event of a dead heat for first place, the stake money on a winning selection is divided by the number of winners in the dead heat, and the full odds paid to the reduced stake, with the remainder of the stake money being lost.

    6. A similar rule applies to the place part of a bet where, as a result of a dead heat, more than the required number of selections are placed.

    7. We reserve the right to void any bet accepted by us and withhold settlement if we become aware that the bet breaches the governing rules of the relevant sport or event in question.
    8. Any bet inadvertently accepted after an event has been resolved will be void.
    9. Any bet accepted in error and contrary to the provisions as stated above, will be void even if you have been provided with a valid printed receipt.
    10. We do not accept any responsibility for a bet not being placed for any reason, including but not limited to; computer, electricity failure, failure to telecommunications systems or services.
    11. We reserve the right to refuse payment on any bet where we are unable to substantiate the selections and the instructions on our bet capture system.
    12. Betting, by its very nature, is a fast moving environment. We will do all that we can to avoid any obvious errors or omissions in respect of the announcing, publishing, handicaps, place terms, runners or results.
    13. Instructions issued by means of a Press Announcement or by way of a notice displayed on our betting terminals are to be read as being part of these Rules.
    14. Aspers (Stratford City) Limited may use information that it collects from you when placing a bet to collate statistics and betting patterns. By placing a bet, you consent to Aspers use of such information.
    15. Where there is evidence of price, race, match or event rigging, we reserve the right to make bets void or withhold settlement of bets pending the outcome of any subsequent investigation.
    16. Sports Betting. We reserve the right to apply a rule 4 deduction to outright bets on sporting events when a player, contestant or team is withdrawn from the betting after having been declared to play. For betting purposes we consider a player to have been declared to play if he is included in a first round draw (for sports like tennis, snooker and darts) or its equivalent in other sports.


    An unplayed or postponed match will be treated as a non-runner for settling purposes unless it is played within the next 24 hours (local time of betting event) in which case the bet will stand. This also refers to games that started but where abandoned before the competition of 90 minutes play.

    Should a team be disqualified or banned from the league prior to the season, then all bets on this team will be made void. Should this happen after the first game of the league was played, the bets on this team will be settled as lost.

    if a player has not entered the field of play before the first goal has been scored, then this player is deemed a "non- runner" for the bet "Which player will score the first goal of the match", all bets on this player are void. If the "Own Goal" is scored by a player who is an option to bet on as the "First/Last Player to Score", the "Own goal" does not count for this player. This means that all bets on specific players to be the first/last to score are "lost".

    Further popular bets, which are offered for football events:

    • Rest of the match: Example if Arsenal were playing Blackpool and the current score was 6-0 the BETTING OPPORTUNITY will before the REST OF THE MATCH ONLY - as if the match started again at the time of placing the bet. The betting slip will indicate the actual score at the time the bet was placed: "Rest of the match from 6:0 - Arsenal" together with the bet for the remaining time i.e. Arsenal, as you think Arsenal will be able to win during the remaining time (the bet would be lost if no more goal would be scored and therefore Arsenal would draw during the remaining time).
    • Handicap: Handicap bets are settled on the basis that one of the teams is given a goal(s) start. Bets are settled by adding (or subtracting) the goal start to the 90 minutes result.
    • Double Chance: Bets are settled on the following possible outcomes in a specified football match - e.g. Barcelona - Real Madrid:
      • Home/Draw- Barcelona to win/Match to end in a draw
      • Away/Draw - Madrid to win/Match to end in a draw
      • Home/Away - Barcelona to win/Madrid to win
      • Drawn no Bet: A draw no bet market is betting on the result of a game by choosing which team will win, if there is a draw the selection is treated like a non-runner.
      • Over/Under: A bet on whether the final result of an event will be above or under a set amount of goals. If the Over/Under line is a whole number and the correct result is equal to it, the selection is treated as a non-runner.
      • Half Time/Full Time: Bets must indicate the result of both, half-time and full-time


    1. We will only accept bets on matches and markets for which we quote prices. Any bet taken in error for a match, tournament or market for which no prices are available will be deemed void. In the event that any selections are unclear or illegible then those selections will be deemed void.
    2. Unless otherwise specified, all bets which state a particular team to win will be settled on the 90 minute result of the next match they play.
    3. From time to time we may offer betting on the 'outright result', 'to Win in Extra Time' etc.


    Abandoned or postponed matches are void unless rearranged and played within 24 hours (local time at the venue of the event) except for those bets that have already been determined at the time of abandonment or postponement. Unless otherwise specified, for all other bets the event must be played for a total of at least 55 minutes. If a money line, total or handicap bet ends in a draw and no odds have been offered for this option, all bets will be void, the stake will be paid back (odds: 1.00).

    The score at the end of play, including overtime if played, will be taken as the final result, with the exception of Quarter and First Half lines as these do not include overtime.

    • When handicap betting is available, if the match finishes as a tie, stakes will be returned
    • The Home Team is always listed second unless otherwise stated.
    • At least 55 minutes of play must elapse for bets to stand, unless otherwise specified.
    • Overtime counts for all bets unless otherwise specified.

    If a team is designated to play at home and the game is moved to a venue outside of the state where they reside, bets will be made void. All results as per the official governing bodies - the official Game Book provided at www.nfl.com, at www.ncaa.org, at www.nfleurope.com, at www.cfl.ca and at www.arenafootball.com.

    1. Money Lines. Both teams are priced to win the full game with no handicaps applied. When betting on the money line your team must win the game on the field in order for you to win the bet. For settlement purposes overtime counts. If the game remains tied after overtime, dead heat rules apply.
    2. Point Spread. A point spread bet is a bet on a team to win the game with handicaps applied. To even the match for betting purposes, the favourite gives the 'underdog' × points start. A favourite is indicated by a minus points handicap and the underdog by plus points. At the end of the match, the relevant handicap is added to, or subtracted from the selected teams' score to determine the point spread result. In the event of a tie on the handicap all stakes on this market are returned. For settlement purposes overtime counts.
    3. Game Totals. A total line is offered on the predicted total number of points scored. Prices are offered for the actual score to be over or under this quote. The total result is the combined total points for both teams at the end of the relevant period of play. When the combined scores of both teams equals the totals line then the stakes are returned.
    4. Game Wagers. At least 55-minutes of play must elapse for game bets to stand.
    5. Quarter/1st Half Lines. The relevant quarter or 1st half must be completed for bets to stand. The 4th quarter does not include overtime.
    6. 2nd Half Lines. 2nd Half Point Spread and 2nd Half Game Totals will be available after the 1st half of each game is completed and will be suspended as soon as the 2nd half commences. For settlement purposes the 2nd half lines include overtime. At least 25 minutes of play must elapse in the second half for bets to stand.
    7. Highest scoring quarter. For the purposes of highest scoring quarter betting, overtime does not count as part of the fourth quarter.
    8. First Touchdown. Bets on players to score the first touchdown will only be considered void (non runners) where the player was not in uniform for the match. Otherwise, bets are on the basis of all in, play or not. Bets on the first touchdown will stand as soon as a touchdown is scored, irrespective of any subsequent abandonment of the game.
    9. Ante-post (season betting). If the regular NFC/ AFC season is not completed, all bets on the Superbowl, Conference winners and eight divisions will be void.


    For settlement purposes, the podium position or medal ceremony will count as the official result.


    In the event of a postponed fight, all bets will stand for 30 days. In every fight, a price is quoted for the drawn fight. In the event of a drawn fight, all bets on either boxer to win will be losers.

    The decision given by the referee at the end of a match will stand for settlement purposes. Any subsequent changes will not be taken into consideration.

    The result at the end of the contest is final. This includes any recounts of the judges' scorecards. Any subsequent changes made by governing bodies do not count for betting purposes. If a boxer fails to start a round then the previous completed round is considered the last round of the fight. Should there be a withdrawal, the fight being declared a "No Contest" or a substitution of one of the boxers concerned, bets will be void.

    1. Round Betting. If either fighter fails to answer the bell, his opponent will be deemed to have won in the previous round. If for any reason a points decision is awarded before the full number of rounds is completed, bets will be settled on the round in which the fight was stopped. Bets on boxers to win on points will be deemed winners only after all the scheduled rounds of the fight have been completed.

    If the fight does not take place for any reason and is started again within 3 full days after the original start date, then all bets count for the rescheduled fight. If the fight is NOT started within 3 full days after the original start date then all bets will be void. If a fight takes place in a country different from the original country then all bets will be void. If a fight takes place on a different venue but in the same country then all bets are valid.


    1. Limited Over Matches. All bets will be settled in accordance with the official competition rules. This will include matches where a reduction of overs has taken place. If the competition rules allow the final result to be a tied match, and a tie occurs and we were not offering a tie price, we will settle as a dead-heat. If, however, the competition rules require a bowl-out to decide the outcome of the match following a tie in normal play, the result of the bowl-out will be used for match bet settling purposes.
    2. Other matches. If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, all bets will be made void. Bets will also be void in a weather affected match where at least one ball has not been bowled.
    3. Test Matches. The draw is paid when no result is achieved at the end of 5-days scheduled play. If the teams finish the match (final innings all out or declared) tied on the same total before the scheduled end of play on the fifth day, the draw will be deemed a loser and match bets will be settled as a dead-heat between the two teams.
    4. Top Batsman Betting - Matches Bets on Top Batsman refer to the runs made in the first innings only. Bets will be void on any player not in the starting 11. If a selected player is in the starting 11 then bets are all-in, bat or not. All bets will be settled in accordance with the official competition rules. This will include matches where a reduction of overs has taken place.
    5. Top Bowler Betting. - Matches the same conditions apply as for Top Batsman.
    6. Series Betting. Outright series bets will stand provided one match has been played.

    Correct score bets will be void if the stipulated number of matches are not played.

    Abandoned or postponed matches are void unless rearranged and played by the end of the second following day (local time at the venue of the event) except for those bets that have already been determined at the time of abandonment or postponement. If the match does not take place within 48 hours, your bet will be void.

    If a match is officially declared with 'no result, all bets on that match will be void. If a match is affected by external actors (such as bad weather), we will settle your bet based on the official competition rule (this includes matches affected by a mathematical calculation such as the Duckworth-Lewis method (DL) or the Jayadevan system (VJD)). If a match ends in a draw or through bowl-off the match betting market will be settled as void.


    1. Tour Betting Bets stand on all cyclists whether they participate or not. Bets will be settled on the podium result regardless of any appeals or objections.
    2. Stage Betting Bets will be determined by the result at the podium presentation.

    The winner of the race or stage will be settled on the result of the podium presentation. If there is no podium presentation, bets will be settled on the result immediately declared by the official governing body, irrespective of any subsequent enquiry.

  10. DARTS

    1. Match Betting The player progressing to the next round will be deemed the winner, unless a walkover has taken place, when all match bets will be void
    2. Set/Correct Score Betting If the required number of sets or legs to win have not been played, all set/correct score bets will be void.

    In the event of a match starting but not being completed, the player progressing to the next round or being awarded he victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. In the event of a league match starting but not being completed bets will be settled based on the official competition rules.

  11. GOLF

    1. Bets will be void on any player failing to tee off in the first round. Bets on any players who are subsequently disqualified or withdrawn will be deemed losers.
    2. Tournament Group/ Top Nationality Betting Bets will be void on non-players and Tattersalls' Rule 40 deductions may apply. Dead Heat rules will apply.
    3. Two/Three Ball Betting. Should any player not play in a 2/3 ball, then all bets on that 2/3 ball will be void. Also, if any player in a 2/3 ball match fails to complete 18-holes in that round, that match is void. In the event of a 2/3 ball being re-arranged, all bets will stand on the original pairings/groupings.
    4. Tournament Winner Betting All outright bets are settled on the trophy presentation.
    5. If a tournament is reduced from the scheduled number of holes, any outright bets placed after the final completed round will be void.
    6. 72-Hole Match/Threesome Betting the winner will be the player achieving the highest placing at the end of the tournament (playoffs included). A player missing the cut is deemed the loser. Where both/all players miss the cut the lowest score when the cut was made will determine settlement.
    7. In the event of a player withdrawing from the tournament before the completion of the first round (18 holes) then all bets on that match/threesome will be considered void. If a player completes the first round and then subsequently withdraws, bets on the withdrawn player will be settled as losers.


    Throughout the motorsport rules, any reference to drivers should be deemed to include riders, and references to cars should include bikes.

    1. Race Betting. The result at the time of podium presentations counts. All drivers in place to start the warm up lap are deemed as runners.
    2. Championship Betting Bets stand on all drivers and constructors whether they compete or not. Bets will be settled in accordance with the initial Official result given by the governing authority. Any subsequent change to the official result, due to legal challenge or any other reason is ignored for bet settlement purposes.
    3. Race Head to Heads (match bets). The winner of a race head to head will be the driver with the higher finishing position, or the driver who completes the most laps. In the event that two drivers retire on the same lap, bets are void. If either driver fails to appear on the grid for the start of the parade lap then all bets on that head to head are void.
    4. Fastest Qualifier. The driver achieving the fastest official qualifying time in the named qualifying session is the winner. Any subsequent demotions do not count for settlement purposes. Official placings count if times are identical.
    5. Qualifying Match Bets. The driver achieving the faster official qualifying time is the winner. If either driver fails to start a lap in the official race qualifying session, then all bets on that match are void.
    6. To Be Classified (F1)/To Complete The Race. The official FIA classifications will be used when settling this market. Drivers who complete 90% of the number of laps completed by the winner of the race will be classified by the FIA. and will be settled as winners in 'To Be Classified' betting.
    7. Number of Race Leaders. The driver who is in the forwardmost car (normally Pole Position) on the grid at the start of the race counts as a race leader. Subsequent to the start of the race any other driver who crosses the Start/Finish line as the first car on the road counts as a race leader.
    8. Finish in the Points/on the Podium. The result used for settlement is as at the time of the podium presentation. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. Single bets only are accepted on these markets. These markets are win-only.
    9. Fastest Lap. The official result at the time of the podium presentation for the race will be used. If a Grand Prix is abandoned and no official result is declared, all bets on that race will be void. If a driver fails to appear on the grid prior to the start of the warm-up lap, all bets on that driver will be void. If a race takes place on a different venue then all bets placed on the race before the announcement will be void. Bets will be determined by the official standings immediately following an individual race as well as the final Grand Prix of the season and will not be affected by any subsequent enquiries.
    10. Head-to-Head betting: If all drivers finish the race, the winner is the driver with the best official finishing position at the time of the prize ceremony. If both drivers in the bet are non-finishers, the driver who completed the most laps is considered winner.


    1. The score at the end of the second half, not extra time, will be taken as the final result. In matches where handicap betting is being offered, winning margin and correct score betting is from scratch. In First Try betting, penalty tries do not count.
    2. When we offer both 80 minute and handicap betting but neither is specified on the slip, the bet will stand on the 80 minute result.
    3. When we offer prices for handicap betting only, regardless of any instructions marked on the slip, bets will be settled on the handicap result.
    4. Selections and Stakes Only matches for which we quote prices may be selected. Selections for unquoted matches will be void, and the remainder of the bet will be valid provided that any stipulated minimum number of selections is achieved.
    5. Void Selections A selection from a match which is postponed, abandoned or played at a reversed venue, or which is against different opposition to that listed, will be void and will be treated as a non-runner for settlement purposes.
    6. Outright Betting Outright bets placed on the league will be settled on the winner of the grand final and not the regular season, unless otherwise stated. This also applies to AFL (Australian Football League).


    1. If a player fails to start a tournament or match, all bets on that player, or individual match, will be void. A snooker match is deemed to have started with the break for the first frame. If the full number of frames in a match is not completed, bets on the correct frame score will be settled as void and your stake will be refunded. If one player withdraws or is disqualified and the match has already started, the player progressing to the next round will be considered the winner.

  15. TENNIS

    1. Matches must be completed for bets to stand unless that market has been unconditionally determined at the time the match ended (e.g. First Set winner with final score of 6-3 2-0 retired). If a match is interrupted or postponed, the bets within the framework of the tournament will remain valid until the match is completed. However, matches that are interrupted or postponed, but which do not take place within the framework of the tournament (e.g. exhibition matches), will be declared invalid if the match is not resumed and completed within 72 hours. In the event of an incomplete match for any reason, undetermined bets will be deemed to be void and the stakes will be returned.


    1. Listed Pitchers. In the event of pitchers being listed, both pitchers must start the game and throw at least one pitch for bets to stand. If either pitcher fails to start the game for any reason, the bet will be deemed as void and the stakes will be returned. Where we do not name a pitcher next to a team, then bets accepted on that team will stand regardless of the starting pitcher.
    2. Side Betting. if a game is "called", or suspended, winners and losers for betting are official after at least 5 innings of play unless the home team is leading after 41⁄2 innings. If a game is "called" or suspended, the winner is determined by the score after the last full inning (unless the home team scores to tie, or takes the lead in the bottom half of the inning, in which case the winner is determined by the score at the time the game is called.) Stakes will be refunded if the home team ties the game and it is then suspended. All games must start on the scheduled date for bets to stand. If a game has been postponed or cancelled before its due start time, all bets will be void. Similarly in the event that a game is carried over to a subsequent day, then all bets will be void.
    3. Total & Runline Betting. When betting on total runs (over/under) or runlines, the game must go to 9-innings (81⁄2 if the home team is ahead) for bets to stand.

    A baseball game is cancelled and the stakes refunded if the game has not begun within 24 hours (local time of betting event) of the original scheduling. If the game has started and was abandoned all bets on the game will be void, the stake will be paid back (odds: 1.00).


    A basketball game is cancelled and the stakes refunded if the game is not begun within 24 hours (local time of betting event) of the original scheduling. If the game has started and was abandoned the results are regarded to be official if less than 5minutes are left at the time of abandonment. That means:

    • At least 43 minutes of play e.g. for NBA (48 minutes regular playing time)
    • At least 35 minutes of play e.g. for WNBA, NCAAB, FIBA (40 minutes regular playing time)

    Otherwise all bets will be void, the stake will be paid back (odds: 1.00).


    These rules cover winter sports such as cross country skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping and biathlon. Podium positions will count as official results, regardless of any subsequent disqualifications. If there is no podium ceremony, settlement will be determined in accordance with the official result declared by the governing body at the end of the event.


    An Ice hockey game is cancelled and the stakes refunded if the game is not begun within 24 hours (local time of

    betting event) of the original scheduling. If the game has started and was abandoned the results are regarded to be

    official if less than 5 minutes are left at the time of abandonment. That means:

    • At least 55 minutes of play for "American Ice Hockey" e.g. NHL, AHL UHL, WHL, OHL and Quebec Major Junior hockey league
    • At least 60 minutes of play for "Non-American Ice Hockey"

    Otherwise all bets will be void, the stake will be paid back (odds: 1.00).

    Overtime (including any subsequent shootout), doesn't count unless stated otherwise. In the event of a shootout, the winning team are credited with one goal and this counts for all markets where applicable (e.g. 2-Way markets are settled on the score at the end of regulation time, unless specifically stated otherwise.)

    If a moneyline, total or handicap bet ends in a draw and no odds have been offered for this option, all bets will be void, the stake will be paid back (odds: 1.00).


    Any dispute should be raised with a member of the management team immediately. Should you not be satisfied with their decision, and all internal avenues of dispute resolution have been exhausted you may refer the matter to Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS). IBAS are tasked with reviewing any complaints or disputes relating to betting that cannot be settled internally.

    The process for settlement of any betting dispute is as follows:

    1. The matter should be raised with a member of the management team
    2. If you are not satisfied with their decision, you should put your concerns in writing to the General Manager of the casino, at Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City, 312 The Loft, Montfichet Road, Olympic Park, London, E20 1ET
    3. If still not satisfied with the decision, you should put your complaint in writing to: The Head of Regulatory Compliance and Surveillance, c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.

    Should all internal avenues have been exhausted and you are still not satisfied with the decision regarding your betting complaint or dispute, you may refer the matter in writing to Independent Betting Adjudication Service, PO Box 62639, London, EC3P 3AS

Over The Counter Sports Betting Terminal Rules

Click here to download

Aspers Stratford General Terms & Conditions

  1. Valid dates for promotions and offers are as specified on the website and/or promotional materials.
  2. Entry into promotions and offers constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  3. Promoter is Aspers UK Holdings Limited, c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.
  4. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers premises will not be eligible to redeem promotions and offers.
  1. Open to Aspers Rewards members only.
  2. A free bet voucher can only be redeemed at cash desk and not directly on the tables.
  3. The voucher can be exchanged for either a promotional gaming chip to be used on tables or a promotional ticket to be used on slots or electronics.
  4. All promotional funds must be staked before cashing out.
  5. Free play bets cannot be broken down into smaller denominations.
  6. Only valid for named Aspers Rewards member on dates specified on overleaf of voucher.
  7. Not available on Electronic Roulette or at the Sports Betting Office.
  8. Offer available on Slot machines. Vouchers have no cash value and are non-transferable.
  9. The Promoter is not responsible for any vouchers that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. No photocopies accepted.
  10. All vouchers will be retained by Aspers.
  11. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for any other service or used in conjunction with any other offer. Vouchers have no cash value.
  12. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  13. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  14. Vouchers can only be redeemed in the casino where the voucher was awarded.
  15. Promotional gaming chips are valid until lost and cannot be exchanged for wheel or cash chips. No partnership betting is allowed.
  1. Open to Aspers Rewards members only.
  2. Only valid for named Aspers Rewards member on dates specified overleaf.
  3. Not available on Electronic Roulette or Sports Betting Office.
  4. Vouchers have no cash value and are non-transferable.
  5. All vouchers will be retained by Aspers.
  6. Vouchers are withheld once used and winnings are paid out as usual.
  7. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for any other service or used in conjunction with any other offer.
  8. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms as entered.
  9. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  10. Vouchers can only be redeemed in the casino where the voucher was awarded.
  11. On tables, a bet of the same value must be placed at the table with the voucher.
  12. Blackjack – the voucher can only be used on one hand unless the outcome is a standoff, where the voucher will be returned.
  13. Roulette - valid for a single even chance bet on roulette. Voucher can only be used on one spin. Does not include any side bets.
  14. On Slots and Electronics - the voucher must be presented to the main Cash Desk (guest services/slots desk at Stratford) with the same value bet as detailed on the voucher. All promotional funds must be staked before cashing out.
  15. The winnings from this offer can be cashed out at Cash Desk only.
  16. One voucher per person per day.
  17. The Promoter is not responsible for any vouchers that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  18. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  19. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered, (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  20. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  21. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling prizes.
  1. The promotion is only open to Aspers Rewards members.
  2. The free drink voucher can be redeemed at the Bar for one of the following: A pint of house beer, a 125ml glass of house wine, a single measure house spirit and mixer or soft drink.
  3. The offer is not transferrable, cannot be used in conjunction with any other food and drink offers and no cash alternative is available.
  4. The Promoter is not responsible for any vouchers that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  5. Entry constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  6. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  7. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  8. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  9. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling the offer.
  1. The promotion is only open to Aspers Rewards members.
  2. The free meal voucher should be redeemed at Tanzibar for one main course.
  3. The offer is not transferrable, cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers and no cash alternative is available.
  4. The Promoter is not responsible for any vouchers that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  5. Entry constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  6. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  7. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered, (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  8. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  9. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling the offer.
  1. The promotion is open to all customers.
  2. The offer is not transferable, cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and no cash alternative is available.
  3. Aspers Rewards discounts do not apply.
  4. Entry constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  5. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of Venue Management for resolution.
  6. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered, (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  7. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  8. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling the offer.
  1. Open to Aspers Rewards members.
  2. All Aspers Rewards members are eligible for free parking all day.
  3. To qualify for the promotion an Aspers Rewards member must have a registered visit on the same day as the car park ticket redemption.
  4. Aspers Rewards members deemed to be using the promotion but not visiting the Aspers venue to use its facilities will be removed from the promotion.
  5. Free car parking will be available at Aspers Casino for the Westfield Stratford City car parks.
  6. Only one parking voucher can be issued per person in a 24-hour period.
  7. The parking voucher must be used on day of issue.
  8. Guests can redeem their car parking ticket, at Guest Services at Aspers Stratford.
  9. This promotion is only valid on presentation of a qualifying car parking ticket and must be in a condition that allows the conditions of this promotion to be confirmed.
  10. Car parking tickets cannot be redeemed as cash.
  11. The promotional can be extended or reduced at management discretion, without prejudice to those already taking part.
  12. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms. entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  13. The promotion may be revoked for any individual member at Aspers Management discretion if they do not comply with the Terms & Conditions of the promotion or are in breach of Aspers’ General Terms & Conditions.
  14. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution. and are subject to Aspers Complaints and Disputes Process.
  15. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  16. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers’ casino premises will not be eligible to redeem the offer.
  1. Open to selected Aspers Rewards members only, 18 years and over.
  2. The offer is available at Aspers Newcastle, Stratford, and the Casino Milton Keynes.
  3. Invited guests will receive an email or SMS from Aspers Casino containing a link to their QR code.
  4. The offer is valid from a fixed number of days from the date the email is sent. The dates will be visible on the QR code.
  5. Within the email, guests are advised to redeem their voucher at the Cash Desk or Guest Services at Stratford by showing their QR code.
  6. Only one promotional free points voucher to be redeemed per customer per operational day.
  7. Value of the voucher is the amount of Aspers Rewards points added to members account, these will only be added upon redemption of the voucher in an Aspers venue.
  8. Vouchers have no cash value, are non-refundable.
  9. The Promoter is not responsible for any vouchers that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  10. The offer and vouchers included are non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for any cash value.
  11. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  12. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution. and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes process.
  13. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  14. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers’ premises will not be eligible to redeem the offer.

Aspers Stratford Food & Beverage Promotion Terms & Conditions

  1. The “Party Packages” Offer is open to all guests at Aspers Westfield Stratford City.
  2. The “Party Packages” is available to book all day? every day if it is booked at least 3 days in advance.
  3. The “Party Package” offer consists of:
    • Beer and pizza, 6 bottled beers and pizza to share £35.
    • Wine and pizza, house wine red/white or rosé and pizza to share £30.
    • Beer buckets, 6 bottled beers £25
    • Big beer buckets, 10 bottled beers £40
    • Prosecco bucket, 3 x bottles of Poeti Brut £60
    • Wine bucket, 3 bottles of house red, white, or rosé £60
    • Big wine bucket, 5 bottles of house red/white or rosé £95
    • The pizzas referred to are any pizza on the main menu.
    • The bottled beers included in the offer are;
      • Staropramen 0%
      • Budweiser 330ml
      • Corona 330ml
      • Miller Genuine Draft 330ml
      • Madri 330ml
      • Peroni 330ml
      • Blue Moon 330ml
    • The bottles ‘house wine’ included in the offer are;
      • Mountain Range (Sauvignon Blanc)
      • Petirrojo (Merlot)
      • La Cour des Dames (Grenche Rosé)
    • Queen Buffet includes pizza, assorted sliders (egg/meat), fries, chicken goujons, mozzarella dippers, mini mixed spring rolls and one free drink per person for £20 per person.
    • King Buffet includes assorted sliders (veg/meat), fries, chicken goujons, mozzarella dippers, mini steak pies, mini roast beef Yorkshire puddings, mini pizzas, mini quiches and one free drink per person for £25 per person.
    • Ace Buffet includes canapes on arrival, mini steak pies, mini roast beef Yorkshire puddings, mini pizzas, mini quiches, mini fish and chips, petite fours and one free drink per person for £30 per person.
    • Buffet packages are based on a minimum 4 people and include on request the following:
      • Free 30-minute gaming demo
      • £5 free bet
  4. Minimum £100 deposit or 50% of food total paid in advance (whichever is greater).
  5. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other Aspers offers and specifically cannot be further discounted with membership discount.
  6. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  7. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  8. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers premises will not be eligible to redeem the offer.
  9. Events may occur that render the promotional offer itself impossible due to reasons beyond the control of Aspers.

Aspers Stratford Sports Betting Promotion Terms & Conditions

Cheltenham 2025:
  1. Open to Aspers guests, non-members, and members (free to join for all those aged 18 or over with photographic ID).
  2. The promotion is not available to employees of the Aspers UK Holdings Limited group, or anyone associated with the group or its employees.
  3. Any disputes must be raised with a member of staff or the management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes Policy. In the event of any dispute the Managers decision will be final.
  4. Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend this offer in line with License Conditions and Codes of Practice “fair and open” provisions.
  5. Any customer who is barred or excluded will not be permitted to take part in the competition.
  6. The promotion only refers to the bets placed over the counter at the Betting Office in Aspers Westfield Stratford City. Betting Terminals are not part of this promotion.
  7. Management reserves the right to cap the stake of a specific bet due to commercial reasons.
  8. On each day of the 2025 Cheltenham festival, Aspers will refund all losing single bets on the first Cheltenham race of the day, in the form of a free bet, matching the customers’ stake up to £20.
  9. The free bet must be used on the second Cheltenham race of the same day, as a single selection, and can’t be wagered on any other event.
  10. One free bet allowance per customer per day.
  11. Only the “win” part of a bet will count towards the free bet refund, as this will not apply to the “place” part of each-way bets.
  12. The “free stake” will be deducted from any potential winnings obtained through a free bet.
  13. On each day of the 2025 Cheltenham festival, Aspers will apply enhanced each way terms (extra place) to one of the Cheltenham races.
  14. The place enhancement will only be available on the same day of the given race, from 10am onwards
  15. On each day of the 2025 Cheltenham festival, Aspers will feature a special “Bet on the Day”.
  16. The “Bet of the Day” specials will only be available from 10am onwards of the given day, until the relevant off time.
  17. The “Bet of the Day” specials can only be wagered as singles bets and can’t be used as a part of a multiple bet.
  1. Open to Aspers guests, non-members, and members.
  2. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion. Any disputes must be raised with a member of staff or the management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes Policy. In the event of any dispute the Managers decision will be final.
  3. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms. Any customer who is barred or excluded will not be permitted to take part in the competition.
  4. This promotion applies to all the non-friendly West Ham matches that take place in the 2024/2025 football season.
  5. On the fixture day, the odds for West Ham to win their match will be boosted and will be bigger than what any other retail UK bookmarker is offering.
  6. The boosted price is only available as a single selection, and it cannot be combined in multiple bets.
  7. To the get the boosted odd, customers will need to place their bets on matchday from 10am onwards at the Aspers LBO (Betting Terminals will not display boosted odds).
  8. The promotion doesn’t apply to in play betting.
  9. Aspers reserves the right to cap the stake or to amend the boosted price at any point.
  1. Open to Aspers guests, non-members, and members.
  2. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  3. Any disputes must be raised with a member of staff or the management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes Policy.
  4. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms. Any customer who is barred or excluded will not be permitted to take part in the competition.
  5. Any guest placing a single bet of £10 or above on a 2024-2025 season televised football match, will be awarded a £5 free bet to be used on the first goalscorer market of the same game, as a single selection.
  6. The qualifying bet will need to have a minimum odd of 1/1 (evens).
  7. Free bets cannot be utilized to generate a free bet.
  8. One free bet per guest per match.
  9. This offer is only valid on the same matchday of the selected match, and it only refers to the televised football matches that Aspers shows in the venue, through the main UK TV/PPV channels. An updated list of the upcoming football schedule can be found here: https://www.aspersstratford.co.uk/live-sport-schedule.html#Football.
  10. Only “over the counter” LBO bets placed on the relevant matchday qualify for a free bet, Betting Terminals are not part of this promotion.
  11. As specified by our betting rules, first goalscorer bets only apply to regular time (90 minutes plus injury time). Extra time and penalty shoot-out do not count.
  12. Free bets have no cash value. Shall the bet be voided for any reason (the selected player doesn’t play or start the match), the free bet will be considered a loser as no stake can be refunded.
  13. Free bets are not for resale. Any defaced of photocopied prize voucher or letter or similar will not be accepted.
  1. Open to all guests, 18 years old or over.
  2. The promotion will be available at Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City only.
  3. Aspers will feature a “bet of the day”, referring to the most important sporting event of the day.
  4. To get the advertised prices/markets, bets need to be placed over the counter at the LBO (SSBTs are not part of this promotion).
  5. The bet of the day needs to be placed before the event starts (in play betting won’t have the same advertised odds)
  6. Prices are subject to change.
  7. Aspers reserves the right to cap the stake for a boosted price at any point.
  8. Any guest who is barred or excluded from the premises under any circumstance will not be eligible to participate in the promotion or allowed to claim any prize.
  9. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  10. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  11. Customers will be notified of material changes to Terms & Conditions before they come into effect and can be by a notice being displayed.
  12. Any disputes must be raised immediately with a member of the Management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes process.
  1. Open to all guests, 18 years old or over.
  2. The promotion will be available at Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City only.
  3. Every day, all losing bets on the first race of the featured horse racing meeting of the day will receive their stake back as a free bet, that must be used on the second race of the same meeting.
  4. The promotion specifically refers to the two selected races of the day. No free bet can be awarded on redeemed on other races or events.
  5. Free bets only apply to win only selections and single bets. In case of each way bets, only the “win part” will be refunded.
  6. The maximum stake return as a free bet is £20.
  7. One free bet per customer per day.
  8. Aspers reserves the right to change the featured meeting of the day at any point.
  9. All bets need to be placed over the counter at the LBO (SSBTs are not part of this promotion).
  10. Any guest who is barred or excluded from the premises under any circumstance will not be eligible to participate in the promotion or allowed to claim any prize.
  11. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  12. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  13. Customers will be notified of material changes to Terms & Conditions before they come into effect and can be by a notice being displayed.
  14. Any disputes must be raised immediately with a member of the Management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes process.

Aspers Stratford Poker Promotion Terms & Conditions

  1. The promotion is open to Aspers Rewards Members aged 18 and over.
  2. The promotion consists of three Learn to Play sessions on consecutive Mondays. These will last approximately 2-3 hours.
  3. The cost covers all 3 sessions.
  4. Participants will be entitled to one free glass of prosecco or a drink to a similar value on each session.
  5. At the conclusion of the third session, every participant will be entitled to one free basic entry to any regular Tuesday night tournament. There is no cash alternative, and the entry cannot be transferred. The entry can only be used for regular scheduled tournaments; festivals and special events will be excluded. Usual terms and conditions of entry apply.
  1. Open to active Aspers Rewards members only.
  2. Aspers Poker Rules will prevail over any situation not covered in these rules.
  3. Winners must bring with them valid photo ID or an Aspers Rewards membership card when collecting any cash prize.
  4. The promotional period may be extended or reduced at management discretion.
  5. Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend these promotions at any time, without prejudice to those already participating.
  6. Any disputes must be raised with a member of the Aspers’ Management team.
  7. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion. Aspers accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, death, or injury of any kind endured by the Aspers Rewards member by way of redemption of the prize.
  8. Any player who is deemed to not be playing in the spirit of the game to manipulate results will be excluded from the promotion.
  9. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers’ casino premises will not be eligible to participate or benefit from any promotion.
  10. Any player who is deemed to be manipulating rules or not participating in the spirit of a promotion will be removed from the promotion.
  1. Cash game promotions are funded by promotional charges on all Texas Hold’em cash game tables. £1 will be taken from a pot totalling £20.00 to £29.50 and a further £1 taken from a pot more than £30.
  2. In Omaha games 50p will be taken from a pot totalling £20.00 to £29.50 and a further 50p taken from a pot more than £30.
  3. For every £1 collected, 30p will be added to the Cash Race promotion 30p will be added to the Royal Flush Jackpot, 22p will be retained for Poker Promotional Events, 8p will be retained for administration and 10p will be placed in the Jackpot Re-Seed Account.
  4. Tournament promotions are funded by withholding 10% of regular tournament prize pools. 100% of these funds will be returned as prizes.

Omaha games can qualify for the following promotions, with conditions.

  • Cash Race
  • Royal Flush Jackpot

Any Omaha games qualify for promotions.
In Omaha double/triple board the Royal Flush needs to be flopped on the first board
Cash Race qualification is as outlined below.
Royal Flush Jackpot is as outlined below, but the claim is limited to 15% of the accrued Jackpot. This will be distributed as 10% to the winning player and 5% to all others dealt in the hand.

  1. The prize pool will be funded from promotional funds raked during cash games (see below for breakdown).
  2. Regular rake cash game players will have the opportunity to play for the entirety of all funds collected towards the Cash Race for the month.
  3. Points will be awarded based on Aspers Rewards Points earned in the poker room for cash game play on a 1 for 1 basis.
  4. Cash Game Play between the hours of 6am and 2pm will qualify for double Cash Race Points.
  5. The top 75 raked cash game players, over a full calendar month automatically qualify for the Aspers Poker Cash Race. The monthly Loyalty Race tournament will take place on the first Sunday of each month unless that falls less than 3 days from the end of the qualifying month where it will be held on the 2nd Sunday.
  6. Dates and times for the Monthly Cash Race will be displayed on the Asper’s tournament schedule page.
  7. Players who finish in the 100 places outside the top 75, (76-175) will have the opportunity to buy-in for £150+£15. Tickets go on sale immediately after the points collection period ends.
  8. All buy-ins at £150 plus all rake contributions to the Loyalty Race go to the tournament prize pool.
  9. The buy-ins for positions 76-175 is subject to amendment when prize packages are added by Aspers. This will be notified in advance in the room, on social media and on the website.

  1. Minimum 4 players must be dealt in the hand
  2. Flop a Royal Flush in any suit to claim the Jackpot
  3. Omaha players can claim 15% of the total Jackpot
  4. In Omaha double/triple board the Royal Flush needs to be flopped on the first board
  5. Hold’em distribution is 70% to the player flopping the hand, 20% share between active players at the table and 10% to the rest of the room.
  6. Omaha distribution is 10% to the player flopping the hand, 5% share amongst other active players at the table.
  1. 50% of the amount assigned to Poker promotional events will be used for funding.
  2. There must be a minimum of 4 players at the start of the hand.
  3. Any discussion of hand(s) during play may void promotion entry and any payment at management discretion.
  4. The promotion will run from Monday to Thursday between the hours of 12pm and 5pm. From 10th of March High Promotion will be between 9am – 4pm.
  5. The high hand will be awarded hourly.
  6. The minimum qualifying High Hand will be a full house, Aces full of Kings.
  7. If no qualifying high hand is achieved in that hour, the jackpot will roll over to the following hour. If there is no qualifying high hand at the end of the day, it will roll over to the next day when the promotion is running.
  8. Both of a player’s hole cards must be used to make the High-Hand. In the case of quads where the player’s kicker matches the board, the player’s card will take precedence.
  9. High Hand must be verified by a member of Aspers’ Management team before added to list of High-Hands.
  10. If the high hand is a flopped Royal Flush, the Royal Flush Jackpot will take precedence.
  11. If two or more hands of equal value are made, they will split the appropriate prize.
  12. The winning cash amount will be deposited into the players’ Aspers account, which can be withdrawn at any time from the Cash Desk.
Hold’em Games Only:
  1. Minimum 4 players must be dealt in the hand.
  2. Monday – Thursday, 9am-4pm.
  3. £100 for the Highest Hand of the hour.
  4. Minimum qualifying hand Aces full of Kings
  5. Both Hole Cards must be used in the hand
  6. If the high hand is not claimed, jackpot rolls over to the following hour / day / week.

  1. Open to Aspers Rewards members only, being 18 years or over.
  2. Aspers Poker rules will prevail over any situation not covered in these rules.
  3. Buy-ins will be clearly indicated on the website and via social media.
  4. Prizes will be in the form of a £350 Tournament Entry Voucher.
  5. Three £350 tickets are Guaranteed for every tournament.
  6. Any additional amount collected that does not form a £350 ticket will be paid in tournament vouchers that can be used in any Aspers tournament.
  7. £350 Vouchers may be used for entry into any Aspers Poker Globetrotter event, or any Festival event of the same buy-in or higher.
  8. The number of £350 tickets that can be won in a single tournament is the maximum generated by the prize pool.
  9. In the case of multiple ticket wins, tickets are transferrable to other Aspers Rewards members, provided at least one has been used by the winner to play an Aspers Poker Globetrotter event or Festival Event of the same buy-in or higher.
  10. The promotional period may be extended or reduced at management discretion.
  11. Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend this promotion at any time, without prejudice to those already participating.
  12. Any disputes must be raised with a member of the Aspers’ Management team and are subject to Aspers Complaints and Disputes process.
  13. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion. Aspers accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, death, or injury of any kind endured by the Aspers Rewards member by way of redemption of the prize.
  14. Any player who is deemed to not be playing in the spirit of the game to manipulate results will be excluded from the promotion.
  15. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers’ casino premises will not be eligible to redeem the offer.
  1. Open to Aspers Rewards members only, being 18 years or over.
  2. Aspers Poker Rules will prevail over any situation not covered in these rules.
  3. The Aspers Poker Globetrotter Promotion consists of a series of events awarding Prize Packages to named poker events, globally.
  4. Aspers Poker Globetrotter events will be displayed on the Aspers Poker website and promoted on social media.
  5. Each Aspers tournament will have a specific target event.
  6. Buy-in will be £310+£40, either by cash or tournament voucher.
  7. Prize Packages will be awarded for various events around the world. Full details of specific events will be available on the Aspers Poker website and Aspers Poker social media.
  8. Tournaments will be played in a satellite format, with packages awarded based on the number of entrants.
  9. Prize Packages will consist of flights, accommodation, money for expenses and entry into the target event. Details for each event will be posted on the website and via social media.
  10. Expenses will be credited to the winning player’s Aspers account 14 days before the target event.
  11. Packages won are non-transferable.
  12. Packages won for a specific destination may not be swapped for packages in a different event.
  13. There is no cash alternative to the package. If a player wins a package, they are unable to take, then it will be awarded to the next highest finisher in the satellite.
  14. It is a player’s responsibility to ensure they can travel to the country of the target event.
  15. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms.
  16. Any disputes must be raised with a member of the Aspers’ Management team and are subject to Aspers Complaints and Disputes process.
  17. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion. Aspers accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, death, or injury of any kind endured by the Aspers Rewards member by way of redemption of the prize.
  18. Any player who is deemed to not be playing in the spirit of the game to manipulate results will be excluded from the promotion.

Aspers Stratford Promotion Terms & Conditions

Aspers Stratford “Win a VIP holiday to Las Vegas prize draw” Promotion Terms & Conditions
  1. The “Win a VIP holiday to Las Vegas prize draw” (the promotion) will run from midday on Saturday 1st, March 2025 to 21:45 on Saturday 29th March 2025 and is only open to Aspers Rewards members.
  2. Entry tickets can be collected daily at Guest Services and are limited to one entry ticket per member per day.
  3. Prize draw will take place on Saturday 29th March 2025 at 22:00 and entry tickets must be in the tombola 15 minutes before the draw.
  4. Members must be present at the time of the draw to win. The winner will be chosen randomly from the tombola and will have 3 minutes to claim the prize by producing their membership card. The winner will be announced up to 3 times and if the prize is not claimed within 3 minutes, a re-draw will take place.
  5. No proxies or representatives may claim the prize on behalf of the winner.
  6. In the event of an emergency or exceptional circumstance (e.g. medical emergency, fire evacuation) the Promoter reserves the right to review and determine eligibility on a case-by-case basis, at its sole discretion.
  7. The prize draw will be conducted under the supervision of an independent adjudicator or an internal Compliance Officer to ensure fairness.
  8. The Aspers Rewards member’s name and membership number must be displayed on the entry ticket and verified for the member to be confirmed as a winner.
  9. The Promoter is not responsible for any entries that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  10. One winner will be drawn from the tombola on Saturday 29th March 2025 and will win a VIP holiday for two people to Las Vegas, or a cash alternative prize of £10,000 (paid by bank transfer within 3 – 5 business working days.)
  11. The VIP holiday to Las Vegas includes; Direct flights from London Heathrow to Las Vegas, 5 nights’ accommodation at Wynn Las Vegas, Las Vegas airport to hotel limousine transfer, Sphere experience, choice of Live Show, Grand Canyon Helicopter Tour, 3-course dinner with wine at Gordon Ramsey’s Hell’s Kitchen at Caesar’s Palace, 3-course dinner with wine at STK steakhouse at The Cosmopolitan, Fremont Street Zipline experience, Half-day guided ATV tour in the Mojave Desert, Las Vegas Speedway Porsche racing experience, expedited entry at the XS nightclub at Wynn, and expedited entry at the Encore Beach Club Pool Party, $50 breakfast credit per day for use at The Buffet between 08:00 and 12:00.
  12. The prize winner must contact Berkeley Red (the “Prize Provider”) within 7 days of being notified to confirm their trip. Failure to do so may result in the prize being forfeited.
  13. The prize includes a holiday for two people (the prize winner and one guest), with all travel and accommodation arrangements subject to availability. Both the winner and their guest must be aged 18 or over at the time of travel. Requested travel dates are subject to availability at the time of booking. Prize stays are based on Wednesday to Monday; alternative travel dates may be available but may be subject to price adjustments, which will be the responsibility of the winner. Any surcharge for changes to travel dates will not be covered by the Promoter and must be paid by the winner directly to the Prize Provider. The Prize Provider will liaise with the winner to confirm requested dates, but any price increases must be approved by the Promoter before finalising the booking.
  14. All activities included in the prize are subject to availability at the time of booking. The Prize Provider will work with the winner to create a suitable itinerary. If an activity is unavailable or deemed unsuitable, an alternative of equivalent value will be arranged.
  15. Both the winner and their guest must provide full passport details at the time of confirmation and are responsible for ensuring that all details provided are accurate, they meet all entry requirements for the USA, and they refer to UK Government's Travel Advice for the USA for up-to-date regulations. The Promoter and Prize Provider are not responsible if the winner or their guest is unable to travel due to invalid documentation or failure to meet entry requirements.
  16. In the event of the VIP holiday to Las Vegas becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances outside the control of both the Promoter or the Prize Winner (e.g. travel restrictions, global pandemic, natural disasters, civil unrest or force majeure), the Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equivalent value.
  17. Any dietary or additional support requirements must be communicated at the time of booking.
  18. Upgrades and itinerary enhancements are available upon request but will be at the winner’s own expense.
  19. The Promoter is responsible for awarding the prize but is not liable for the actual provision of travel, accommodation, or any experiences. The Prize Provider is responsible for fulfilling the holiday arrangements. The Promoter is not responsible for cancellations, delays, changes, or issues arising from the travel experience itself. The winner and their guest are encouraged to obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover unexpected circumstances.
  20. One daily prize will be available each day of the promotion (except 29th March), randomly allocated each day.
  21. Daily prizes include; Apple iPad, Virgin Experience Gift Card, Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones, Ray-Ban Sunglasses, Fitbit Versa 4, JBL Portable Bluetooth Speaker, Kindle E-Reader.
  22. No cash alternative is available for the daily prizes awarded as part of this promotion.
  23. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of Venue Management and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes Policy.
  24. Aspers intends to use winners’ information in publicity. The winner’s name will be posted on Aspers website www.aspers.co.uk, along with Aspers Facebook and Instagram pages within 48 hours of prize draw being drawn. You must notify Aspers if you wish to opt out of this publicity.
  25. Personal data collected in relation to this promotion will be processed in accordance with UK GDPR. Further details on how we handle your data can be found in our Privacy Policy.
  26. Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend this offer in line with License Conditions and Codes of Practice “fair and open” provisions. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered, (subject to any expiry or other conditions contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  27. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  28. Free prize draw entry tickets will be retained by Aspers once entered into the prize draw.
  29. Any customer who is barred or self-excluded through SENSE or any Aspers self-exclusion program will not be permitted to take part in the promotion.
  30. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling prizes.
  31. Entry constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  32. Promoter: Aspers UK Holdings Limited Group, c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.
Complimentary Stay Atlantis Paradise Island in The Bahamas Terms & Conditions
  1. Offer is valid one time from April 1-October 31, 2025.
  2. Three-night minimum stay is required to qualify for this offer.
  3. Blackout dates will apply.
  4. Subject to hotel availability.
  5. Customer is responsible for VAT, resort fees and housekeeping gratuities (unless otherwise specified).
  6. Airfare and meals are not included unless specified.
  7. Complimentary room taxes are valid only on complimentary room night offers.
  8. Guests are responsible for room taxes on all pay nights. Offer is valid for 1 (one) room only.
  9. If room type changes, fees and housekeeping gratuity will adjust accordingly.
  10. Resort credit is valid for 4 nights and is allocated per night and will not accumulate for the trip if it is not depleted on an individual day.
  11. Resort credit is not valid for gratuities or value-added taxes (VAT).
  12. Limit one resort credit promotion per player account.
  13. Unused resort credits will be forfeited. No cash value.
  14. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be combined with any other Crown UK or Atlantis offers.
  15. Customer must post a credit card at time of reservation.
  16. Additional room and room nights may be available at a special casino rate.
  17. Room is based on double occupancy.
  18. Additional guests over the age of 12 will result in an additional charge per person per night.
  19. Atlantis management reserves the right to modify, change or cancel at its sole discretion.
  20. Any upfront complimentaries will be applied to your preferred player account.
  21. Additional complimentaries may be available once all upfront complimentaries have been earned.
  22. Guests must cancel their room 7 days or more prior to their arrival date and receive a cancellation number in order to avoid a cancellation penalty.
  23. If guest cancels their room 6 days or less prior to their arrival date, guest is subject to a cancellation charge of the first night's room rate.
  24. Reservations that are no shows/not cancelled will result in the guest being charged for the full length of the stay booked at the nightly cancellation rate.
  25. Nightly cancellation and no-show rates are The Coral $200, The Royal $300 and The Cove/The Reef $450.
  26. Gambling Problem? US 800.522.4700 · Bahamas 880.522.4700.
Aspers Stratford “Slots Brunch Club” Promotion Terms and Conditions
  1. The “Slots Brunch Club” (the promotion) is open to Aspers Rewards members only (free to join for all those aged 18 or over with photographic ID).
  2. The “Slots Brunch Club” is free to redeem, no purchase necessary.
  3. The “Slots Brunch Club” promotion starts on Monday 10, March 2025 and finishes on Thursday 1. May 2025.
  4. The “Slots Brunch Club” promotion is available From Monday to Thursday during the specified dates between 10:00 and 14:00.
  5. The promotion is available to all members, one per day during the promotional period.
  6. The promotion includes a £20 for £30 Slots matchplay and free brunch roll.
  7. All guests are to redeem the promotion at the Slots Desk located at Aspers Stratford
  8. The member of the Slots team will issue the matchplay and free brunch roll voucher.
  9. The free brunch roll voucher can be redeemed with any of the Food & Beverage members of staff.
  10. The brunch roll options are as follows;
    • Bacon
    • Sausage
    • Egg
    • Spicy Hummus & Smashed Avocado (vg)


  • The promotional period may be extended or reduced at management discretion, without prejudice to those already taking part.
  • The promotion is not available to employees of the Aspers UK Holdings Limited group, or anyone associated with the group or its employees.
  • Any disputes must be raised with a member of staff or the management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes Policy.
  • In the event of any dispute the Managers decision will be final.
  • Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend this offer in line with Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice “fair and open” provisions.
  • Any customer who is barred or excluded will not be permitted to take part in the competition.

Names and email addresses will be collected and used to process entries. Your details may remain stored after the End Date but will not be used for marketing unless you have ticked an opt-in box on entry. If you have opted in to receive marketing communications, then your details will be used in accordance with the information given when you ticked the opt-in box and gave your consent.

By entering this Promotion, you are consenting to our use of your entry to publicise this Promotion. This means that we may use all names, images, descriptions, photographs, video footage, and other information, which you have submitted on entry, in any media, without paying you any remuneration therefore and without any time restriction. You also agree that we may film, record or photograph you in connection with the competition and/or the Prize if applicable. You must notify Aspers if you wish to opt out of the use of your data for these purposes.

  1. Open to individuals 18 years or over.
  2. The promotion is ‘Delicious Daily Deals’ and will be applicable to Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City only.
  3. The Delicious Daily Deals offer period runs from 07:00 to 23.59 on the day specified as advertised on the screens and promotional material.
  4. Customers must pre book to qualify for the offers by completing the following actions, at least 24 hours in advance of the booking date:
  5. Book through https://www.aspersstratford.co.uk
  6. The offer per person must be paid as a deposit at least 24 hours before the date of attendance.
  7. Promotional £5 Free bet will be given on the day by F&B Representative.
  8. When a booking and deposit has been paid 24 hours in advance for Wings Wednesday and Sunday Sharing, each guest will receive a £5 free bet.
  9. Voucher is valid on electronic, live table gaming and LBO. Must be redeemed on the day claimed.
  10. If used at the LBO, must be on minimum odds 1/1. £5 will be deducted from any LBO winnings.
  11. “Delicious Daily Deals” consists of the below offers.
    • Monday Madness
      • 2 for 1 Burgers
      • Choose any 2 burgers from Classic Burger, Chicken Burger or our Vegan Burger and get two for the price of one (cheapest one free).
    • Tuesday Spin & Win
      • Every main meal purchased and paid for in full, in advance of the spin, will receive a spin of the wheel to win one voucher – for next purchase. Voucher with winning prize will need to be redeemed within 14 days.
      • Vouchers available
      • Free main meal
      • Free house drink
      • 25% off at Tanzibar
      • 50% off at Tanzibar
      • Spin again on your next visit. Spin must be 24 hours after initial visit, and within 14 days of date issue.
      • £5 worth of Aspers Rewards points
      • £10 worth of Aspers Rewards points
    • Wings Wednesday
      • 10, 20, 30 wings (including cauliflower wings) £8, £15 or £20. With three available flavours
      • Honey and Sesame
      • Sweet Chilli
      • Franks red hot
      • All served with Cooling Ranch Sauce
      • Free £5 bet if you pre book online per guest.
    • Thirsty Thursday
    • 4 Pint Pitcher for £16.
      • Fish Friday
      • Fish & Chips when purchased on the menu will also receive a £5 free bet.
    • Saver Saturday
      • 2 for 1 Cocktails in Terrace bar.
    • Sunday Sharing
      • Sharing Platter and 2 Beers - £20
      • Free £5 bet if you pre book online per guest
      • Double up for £3. Available on selected spirits all day every day.
  12. There are no alternatives cash or otherwise to the offers above.
  13. Any guest who is barred or excluded from the premises under any circumstance will not be eligible to participate in the promotion or allowed to claim any prize.
  14. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms.
  15. Employees of the Promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion. Customers will be notified of material changes to Terms & Conditions before they come into effect and can be by a notice being displayed.
  16. Any disputes must be raised immediately with a member of the Management team and are subject to Aspers’ Complaints and Disputes process.
  17. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or Aspers Rewards discount.
  1. Open to individuals 18 years or over.
  2. The promotion is ‘Live Sport Specials’ and will be applicable to all customers at Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City.
  3. The “Live Sport Specials” are available two hours before the start of any live sporting event scheduled on our website and shown on the main screens in Tanzibar bar and ends when the match is scheduled to finish.
  4. The “Live Sport Specials” are:
    • £5 per drink, drinks within the promotion are listed below:
      • Guinness
      • Madri
      • Staropramen
      • Pravha
      • Doom Bar
      • Aspall Cider
      • 175ml house wine (red, white or rosé)
    • Or 6 bottle of beers for £25
      • Choice of bottles listed below:
        • Staropramen 0%
        • Budweiser 330ml
        • Corona 330ml
        • Miller Genuine Draft 330ml
        • Madri 330ml
        • Peroni 330ml
        • Blue Moon 330ml
    • Wings Offer - 10, 20, 30 wings (including cauliflower wings) for £8, £15 or £20.
      • 10 wings cost £8.
      • 20 wings cost £15.
      • 30 wings cost £20.
      • Choose one of these flavours:
        • Honey and Sesame
        • Sweet Chilli
        • Franks red hot
      • All served with Cooling Ranch Sauce
      • 2 for 1 Hot Dogs & fries for £8.00
      • Classic Hot Dog served with mustard, ketchup and crispy fried onions w/ fries.
      • Nachos Sharer - £8.00
      • Tortilla chips, with cheese, salsa, guacamole, and sour cream
  5. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other Aspers offers.
  6. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms. entered (subject to any expiry or other terms contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of the Aspers Management Team for resolution.
  7. Any guest who is barred or excluded from an Aspers premises will not be eligible to redeem the offer.
  8. Events may occur that render the promotional offer itself impossible due to reasons beyond the control of Aspers.
  9. Aspers reserve the right to withdraw or amend this offer at any time In line with Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice “fair and open” provisions and Responsible Service of Alcohol.
  10. In the event of any dispute the Managers decision will be final.
Aspers Stratford 6 Nations Competition: Win a signed England jersey Terms and Conditions
  1. The promotion will run from Friday 31 January 2025 to Saturday 15 March 2025 and is available to all customers aged 18 or over.
  2. To enter, customers will need to purchase a food or drink item from the Live Sport Specials menu. After purchasing, they will need to correctly answer a rugby trivia question as well as complete their contact details, then submit their entry ticket into the tombola.
  3. Entry tickets can only be provided to customers with a purchase while 6 Nations matches are live and televised in Tanzibar.
  4. The winner will privately be drawn on Saturday 15 March. Their trivia question will need to be correctly answered to be deemed a winner.
  5. The winner will be contacted on Saturday 15 March by a member of Aspers to visit and collect their prize at a time that suits.
  6. The customer’s details must be clear and legible on the entry ticket to ensure they are contactable as a winner.
  7. The winner’s name and photo may be posted on the social media profiles of the promotor if consent is provided.
  8. The promoter is not responsible for any entries that are incomplete, misdirected, late, lost, damaged or stolen and these will not be replaced. Photocopies or reprints will not be accepted.
  9. Entry constitutes acceptance by the entrant of these terms and conditions.
  10. Any complaints or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of Venue Management for resolution.
  11. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion at any time. If participants have already met the qualifying criteria for the promotion, they will be entitled to participate in the promotion on the terms entered, (subject to any expiry or other conditions contained in these terms) and entitled to any benefits associated with the promotion.
  12. Employees of the promoter, their agents, families, or household members are prohibited from participating in this promotion.
  13. Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the Management cancelling prizes.
  14. Promoter: Aspers UK Holdings Limited Group, c/o WB Company Services Limited, 3 Dorset Rise, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 8EN.